Cobb (Lighthouse Security Investigations #9) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,14

New Mexico, sir.”

He didn’t bother asking how she knew he’d been there before. The last name Cobb was not common in New Mexico, and yet with his grandfather and father’s political careers tied intrinsically to the state, he had no doubt she knew exactly who he was. Inclining his head, he returned her greeting. “Thank you. It’s nice to be back.”

With a final searing gaze toward the young woman who was now blushing furiously, the older woman ushered Cobb down a short hall with several doors opening from it. One appeared to be a large workroom where a group of people at small desks busily typed at their computers or were on their telephones. Another door opened to an empty conference room. Turning onto another hall there were two offices on opposite sides, both doors open, exposing small spaces with only one desk each. Finally, he was ushered into the senator’s comfortable office. Not opulent by any stretch of the imagination, it was well appointed with thick carpet underneath his feet, a wall of bookcases, and a wooden desk with the requisite wood and leather chairs in front.

Senator Rector jumped up from behind his desk and rushed around, his hand outstretched. “Mr. Cobb, I cannot tell you how glad I am that you’re here. As soon as the threats started coming in, I immediately remembered that your father said you worked in security. I had no idea if this was something you could help with, but I gave him a call.”

“Yes, sir. To my friends and ever since the military, I just go by Cobb, but if that’s confusing, then you may certainly call me Jorge. Mr. Cobb always makes me think of my father and grandfather.”

The senator laughed and nodded. “Please, you may call me John.”

He moved to sit behind his desk, and Cobb settled into one of the chairs directly in front. The leather and wood gave the familiar squeak as he sat down, and he was reminded of the old furniture in his grandfather’s office.

“I read everything that you forwarded to my boss, and we’ve already started the investigation. I want to make sure that I understand exactly what your expectations are. I’m prepared to serve as both the protection detail for your daughter as well as offer on-site investigation. My coworkers back at the LSI office will also be investigating.”

John nodded, his head jerking up and down rapidly. “Yes, yes to all the above. Josie hates the idea of needing protection, but I know the threats rattled her. She does such good work but is now concerned since the bookkeeper, Caesar Castiel, has disappeared. While Las Cruces does not have the most crime in New Mexico, its rates are higher than the national average. The population can be worrisome.”

“What specific population are you referring to? Her actual clients or those close to where the clinic is located?”

“She works with many people, but specifically the elderly. They are harmless enough, but the area she is in is rather… um… rough.”

“I understand. And besides the missing bookkeeper, she made specific calls to determine the sources of some of the money coming in. If the threats are tied into the calls she made, then I’m not sure her clients are relevant to the threats, but perhaps the area she works in has people who would be willing to commit threatening acts for easy money.”

John continued to nod. “Yes, this is what I fear. As far as the financial reports, I contacted my accountant. He recommended a forensic accountant that’s here in Albuquerque, but I haven’t given them her books to work on yet. I wanted a chance to see what your father recommended and what your boss wanted to do. The situation is all out of my element, and I’m willing to turn it over to those who know best. My main concern is my daughter’s safety.”

“I appreciate that, John. I’m going to drive to Las Cruces to meet with her. Does she know to expect me?”

“I told her that I had contacted Governor Cobb because his son worked for an investigative company and that someone would be in contact with her. She’s nervous but doesn’t want everyone to know what’s going on. She’s afraid the clinic will suffer and cares greatly about the clients.” He cleared his throat, his gaze dropping for a moment before he looked back at Cobb. “She didn’t know what to tell the other clinic employees because she was trying to keep everything low Copyright 2016 - 2024