Coaching the Nerd (Nerds Vs Jocks #2) - Eli Easton Page 0,32

like, into Nazis, are you?”

I chuckled. “No. You don’t have to be a fascist to know German history. I know a lot of history from Quiz Bowl. I’m on the SMT Quiz Bowl team—or I was before I had to drop it to play flag football.”

Perhaps, I thought uncharitably, Jonathan should consider taking Quiz Bowl up as a hobby since, despite being a history major, he didn’t know his Weimar Republic from a warthog.

“Wow, that’s… special.” He went back to the menu, eyes wide. From his tone, he didn’t think that was special at all. But I held my tongue.

The waitress appeared. Jonathan smiled tightly and said, “Just a cup of coffee.” He handed her the menu.

I’d been planning to order a burger but thought better of it. Perhaps Jonathan’s order of a coffee was a signal he wanted this to end quickly? So instead, I went for a milkshake. This was already feeling awkward, but that was hardly new for me. I was determined to forge ahead.

While we waited for the drinks, I studied Jonathan. He was handsome, though a bit… slick, perhaps? He wore a leather jacket in maroon, had perfect skin and coiffed dark hair. A diamond stud glittered in one ear. He came off as rather fussy. I decided I preferred the more natural, easygoing sort. Someone comfortable in sweats. Jonathan also wasn’t meeting my gaze or speaking, and I was beginning to wonder if challenging him on his paper had been a mistake.

I tried to course correct. No more questions about his schoolwork, clearly. I tried to think of something alluring to say, something romantic.

“I’ve never had sex before,” I blurted. “But I made it a New Year’s resolution to lose my virginity before graduation. Which is in May, of course. So, it doesn’t have to happen instantaneously. But the clock is ticking, as it were.”

Jonathan’s gaze snapped to my face. He looked surprised. “Shit, Sean. You just lay it all out there, don’t you?”

I shifted uneasily in the booth. “I was trying to be seductive.”

Jonathan gave a wry chuckle. “Yeah? Well, telling a guy you have zero experience and have made, like, a vision board for having sex isn’t seductive.”

“I didn’t make a vision board!” I protested, feeling insulted. “Pasting photos on a board as a magical means to make them happen is illogical. I’m a scientist.”

The waitress brought his coffee and my chocolate milkshake. I leaned forward and started to drink it even though I didn’t want it anymore. Disappointment churned in my gut. This encounter with Jonathan was not going to lead to anything. He didn’t really like me, and now I just wanted to go home. In truth, I hadn’t wanted to leave the party with Jonathan in the first place. I would have much preferred to stay with Bubba. But Bubba had left with Mindy, and anyway, I had no call to be choosy about my opportunities. Spending all my time with Bubba, my trainer and possibly even friend, might be comfortable, but it wasn’t going to achieve my goals.

“I don’t think I’m the guy, Sean,” Jonathan said, his voice kinder.

I looked up at him with a sigh. “Yes. I’d say that’s abundantly clear.”

“Look, you’re super cute, but there’s no chemistry here. Right?” He waved a hand between us.

That was interesting. “What does chemistry have to do with it?”

He smiled. “When you meet someone you do have chemistry with, you’ll understand. It’s like…” He sipped his coffee, considering. “It’s like tasting a new food for the first time, and you think it’s the best thing you’ve ever eaten.”

I thought about that. “As opposed to, say, your aunt serving you buttered rutabaga.”

He laughed. “Yes, exactly.”

“So, you’re saying I’m rutabaga to you.” I felt a little wounded despite myself.

He winked. “Pretty sure we’re rutabaga to each other. But I bet you’ll find your chocolate sundae soon.”

“The best thing I’ve ever eaten is New York cheesecake with cherry sauce.”

“You’ll find your cheesecake then.” Jonathan held out his raised cup. I forced a smile and clinked it with my milkshake glass. It was all perfectly well to make witty analogies. But I was no closer to my cheesecake than I’d been before, and I couldn’t help feeling weighted down with disappointment.

Jonathan dropped me off at the SMT house. When I got up to my room, I flopped on my bed, utterly discouraged. Something vibrated on my hip—my phone. I pulled it out of my pocket to look at it. There was a text from Copyright 2016 - 2024