Club Princess - Nicole James Page 0,53

car keys. I recognize Lola’s heart shaped key chain. I grab them up, and slip outside to the car. I know where I have to go.



I pull up at the Durango clubhouse, and climb from my bike. The pinging of the cooling engine is the only sound in the quiet parking lot full of Harleys. Looks like every brother in the club is here. Great. Let them all be a witness to what I have to say to Rock.

I realized after three miserable days without Lola, that I have a decision to make. Utah told me I had to be willing to take a chance, and that Lola was worth it. I don’t need him to tell me that. I know I’ve got to face Rock, and tell him I’ve been seeing Lola. Settling down might not be the end of the world, as long as I’ve got Lola.

I know the fear that’s been stopping me is insignificant to the love I have for her. Yes, love. I know that now. I think I knew it before I walked in this clubhouse door last week.

I trudge up the steps and across the porch, no music coming from inside. I pull open the door and frown, my eyes skating around the silent room, empty except for the prospect sitting on a stool by the bar.

“You here for the meeting?” he asks me.

“Nope. Just stoppin’ by. Where is everyone?” I ask him.

He lifts his chin toward the hall. “Church. Big meeting.” He taps his hand rapidly on the bar top, his leg bouncing.

I chuckle, strolling toward him. “What’s got you so nervous, prospect? They takin’ a vote on whether to patch you in?”

“Nope. Rock’s son showed up, yellin’ about his sister being kidnapped.”

My stomach drops like the floor just fell out from below me. “Lola?” I snap.

When the kid takes too long to answer, I grab him by the shirt and haul his face to mine. “Tell me!”

“Yes, Lola. They’re in there makin’ a plan now. That’s all I know.” He holds his hands up.

I thrust him to the side, and stride across the room to the hallway. I don’t even knock on the meeting room door; instead I just burst inside, scaring the crap out of half the members, who come partially out of their chairs.

“Where is she?” I snap, looking to Rock.

“Memphis, sit down,” Rock growls from where he stands at the head of the table, leaning over a map. He jabs at a spot and makes a circle. “Here.” He looks at Baja, who’s typing on a laptop. “What’s here?”

I move to Baja, leaning over his shoulder to see what he pulls up. He taps away, and satellite pictures pop up. Zooming in as much as he can, he scans across blocks of sections. “Looks like cabins, Prez.”

“Is that where she is?” I growl at Rock.

He nods, and meets my eyes, and I see the worry and fear in their depths. “Tracked her phone, she must still have it on her. She’s somewhere in this area.”

“What the fuck’s going on?” My gaze darts around the room, and its then I see the one guy without a cut. I lift my chin to him. “You her brother?”

He looks stressed out and upset, but he nods. Before I can think, I’m across the room to grab him and slam him up against the wall. “What happened?”

“Mason Lockwood’s goons took her.”

“Lockwood? You fuckin’ piece of shit; this is because of that damn statue you stole, isn’t it?”

“What statue, Trez?” Rock bites out.

I don’t let his father sway the conversation; I keep at Trez. “First you steal her money, then you dump her out on the side of the road in some bumfuck Louisiana Parrish; you involve her in a bank robbery and now you’ve put her life in danger?”

“Let him go, Memphis,” Rock thunders, then turns on Trez, “I’ll tear off your balls and feed them to you, if you knowingly put your sister in danger.”

“You can tear off my balls and feed them to me later. Right now we have to save Lola.”

I slam him against the wall again. “When this is over, you and I are gonna have it out.”

Trez Nods. “Just help me get my sister back.”



It’s near midnight, and I’m cuffed to a bed in some remote cabin with Mason Lockwood’s goons. I heard them say his plane just landed, and he’ll be here within the hour. They laugh when they say it, and I’m terrified Copyright 2016 - 2024