Club Princess - Nicole James Page 0,39

you did with that car wreck. And you’d be a good father, too. The way you were with that kid that was being bullied…”

He rolls on top of me and kisses me, shutting me up. When he finally breaks the kiss to lift his head, he brushes the hair back from my face, and studies my eyes.

“I’m gonna miss you, Lola.”

“You ever think about staying in one place?”


His stark answer tears my heart out, and I can’t stop the emotion that wells up inside me. I feel a tear roll down my cheek.

“But if I ever did, it’d be someplace like this.” He thumbs the wetness from my face. “No promises, remember?”

I nod my head, my throat too tight to speak.

“Don’t be sad, baby.”

I shake my head, but can’t stop the tears.

He rolls me, and adjusts us until he’s spooning my back, his arm tight around my waist, and his mouth at my ear.

“Sleep, baby. I’m right here with you.”

For now. The unspoken words hang between us. I realize I’ve already become used to him holding me like this at night.

And oh, how I’ll miss it.



The lightening sky creeps in around the window blinds, and I crack my eye open. I stretch, and grab my phone, checking the time. 7am.

The party lasted until at least 3am, when I finally remember hearing the music fade off. I doubt I’ll find a single brother awake, and know it’s probably the best time for me to leave.

I put my elbow in the pillow, and study Lola’s sleeping form. She’s on her stomach, facing the other way, the sheet down around her ass. I long to run my palm over the soft skin of her back, but I don’t want to wake her.

I’ve never known a woman with such soft skin, and unmarred by any ink, not even a heart or butterfly. I grin. I’d love to see some ink on her somewhere, something private and just for my eyes. Maybe next time I return I can talk her into some. And there will be a next time; I guarantee it.

I stand and slip my jeans on, then pull my shirt on, and shrug into my vest. I look down at Lola again, and slip the necklace I always wear over my head, and lay it on the pillow next to her. It’s a round medallion, its face a compass. I hope she takes it as a sign that I’ll be back again some day to collect it.

I grab my boots, and quietly exit the room.

I’m not half way down the hall, when I smell coffee brewing. I let the aroma lead me to the kitchen.

Darko’s at the coffee maker, the carafe in hand, filling a mug.

I plop down in a chair, and pull on my boots.

He looks over his shoulder, and holds up his mug. “Want one?”


He pours me one, and joins me at the table.

“You leavin’?”

“Yep.” I take a big gulp.

“Pretty early start, huh?”

“Best time for riding. Less traffic. I should be able to put a bunch of miles behind me before it gets busy.”

“Something else you puttin’ behind you?” he asks, pinning me with a serious look.

I lift the mug to my lips. “She knew the score. She said she was good with it. No strings. No promises.”

“What a woman says, and what she feels are two different things, son.”

“Lola’s not like that.”

“Don’t kid yourself.”

I take a sip of coffee, and stare into the dark liquid. “You know I’ve got nothing to give her.”

“I don’t know that. Doubt she knows that either.”

I meet his gaze. “I’m a Nomad, Darko.”


“I like bein’ free. I like not bein’ tied down.”

“It’s a shiftless existence. Not belonging any one place.”

“I’m a Royal Bastard, same as you. I belong as much as you do.”

He nods. “True. But Lola’s a special girl. You won’t find many like her, no matter how many miles you put behind you.”

“I know she’s special. She’s also Rock’s daughter.”

He gives a deep chuckle. “Son, you’ve already crossed that line, and don’t deny it.”

“Does Rock know?”

“Probably suspects.”

I run a hand down my face.

“You break her heart, you might not want to show your face around here again. You walk through that door again, he might have your hide.”

I nod, because I would understand that, and I wouldn’t blame him, either. I gulp the coffee down and stand, pausing to pat Darko on the shoulder. “Thanks for the advice, old man.”

“Ride safe, brother.”



I yawn, stretch, and roll over, opening my eyes, a smile Copyright 2016 - 2024