Club Princess - Nicole James Page 0,27

I know what that tongue of yours can do.”

I roll my eyes, but can’t help smiling. “Grow up.”

“Oh, it’s definitely growin’.”

I take another bite, and throw the peel at his head.

He laughs, and ducks as it sails over him.

I take a sip of water as he tears into his bag of chips.

He nods toward the mini-mart. “You know you turned the heads of several guys with that strut of yours.”

“I do not strut.”

“The hell you don’t. I’m not complaining, babe. It’s a damn fine strut, and a real sweet ass. Definitely a treat to watch.”

“You are such a guy.”

“Absolutely. Every last inch, babe.” He grabs his crotch, and flashes his teeth.

“Oh, my God. Full of yourself much?”

He chuckles again. “You’re cute when you blush.”

“I do not blush.”

“Oh, yeah, you do, especially when you get naked with a guy for the first time.”

“First time? You act like there’ll be a second time.”

“I know there will be.”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself.”

“We had something last night, and it was damn good. I’m not afraid to admit it. I’m gonna want more, and so are you, if you’re truthful.”

“Think so, huh?”

“Deny it, then.”

I look away unable to disagree.

“It’s a long trip back. We like each other. We click in bed. Might as well enjoy our time together, right? Nothin’ wrong with that. We’re both adults, goin’ into this with clear eyes.”

“I suppose so.” I look over at him. “You’re a straight forward, cut-to-the-chase kind of guy, aren’t you?”

He shrugs. “I’m an honest one.” He crumples up his bag, and gets to his feet, then holds his hand out to me. “Come on, we’re burnin’ daylight, and I’m hopin’ to make it at least past Ft. Worth tonight.”

I let him pull me to my feet. Before I can step away, he drops his hand to my waist, and draws me to him. His lips descend on mine for a gentle kiss. When he pulls back, he looks in my eyes. “You don’t like my teasing, just say so, okay?”

His glittering green eyes hypnotize me, and my throat closes up for some stupid reason. I can handle Memphis ribbing me, but his sweet side gets to me, and all I can do is nod around the tightness.

“Hey?” He gives me a little shake. “You okay?”

I push out of his arms, avoiding those penetrating eyes. “Sure. Fine. Let’s go.”

We buckle on our helmets, and mount up, then head out for as far as the tank of gas will take us.



The sun is setting by the time we stop for the night in some rinky-dink town in Texas.

We get a room in a motel off the interstate. It’s a budget place with doors that open to the outside. Our room in on the first floor, and Memphis can park the bike right outside. I’m sure he’s glad to be able to keep an eye on it.

We’re barely in the room long enough to use the bathroom before he jerks his chin to the door.

“Come on. Let’s get some chow.”

I follow him back out to the bike, my ass sore, hoping we don’t have far to go. We ride into town, and find a small diner on a cute Main Street with diagonal parking.

Dismounting and stashing our helmets, we step up onto the sidewalk. A folding sandwich board outside lists the night’s specials.

Memphis holds the door for me, and a bell over it tinkles as we enter. There’s a long counter with spaced-out metal stools attached to the checkered linoleum floor. A few locals in ball caps look up. The Royal Bastards cut draws some attention, but mostly the sparse crowd pays us no mind.

A cook calls up an order as Memphis lays a hand on the small of my back, and guides me to a booth by the window. The cushioned red vinyl lets out a whoosh of air as I drop into it. Memphis does the same across from me. He grabs the laminated menus stuck behind the condiment caddy, and passes one to me as a waitress comes over with a pot of coffee. Upside down cups sit in saucers on the table.

“Coffee?” she asks holding a glass carafe up.

“God, yes,” I say, turning my cup over.

Memphis does the same, and she pours the steaming black liquid. It’s rich aroma carries to me, and I inhale deeply.

“Nirvana.” I smile up at her.

She grins, taking us both in. “Are you ready to order?”

I glance down at the menu, scanning usual diner staple.

“What’s good?” Memphis asks.

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