Closer: A Stage Dive Novella - Kylie Scott Page 0,30

My knees dug into his sides, my body moving fast and sure. And his hands on me urged me on. Faster, harder, and more.

So much more.

Then he licked his fingertips and reached down between my legs, searching out my clit. Around and over he worked the tight bud, urging me higher and higher. When I came, I came hard. Stars burst behind my eyelids, pure sensation burst through me, breaking me apart. Fingers digging into my ass, he slammed himself up into me once, twice, three times more before slowly stilling.

Lucky for me, he didn’t seem to mind having me sprawled across his chest. His heart hammered beneath my ear and perspiration glued us together. The room seemed humid, smelling of sex. Eau de Ziggy and me. Fingers slid up and down my spine, but his eyelids remained closed. Everything was peaceful. After the rough last couple of days, it was exactly what I needed.

Traces of dark stubble lined his jaw, almost hiding a faint white scar. There was another on his shoulder. A couple on his chest.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked softly.

“Nothing much. I’m just happy that you’re here.”

He opened his eyelids, resting an arm behind his head like a pillow. “I never stood a chance with you, did I?”

“How so?”

“Not only are you drop dead fucking gorgeous, you’re too damn sweet for words.”

“Oh, really? So you think I’m hot when I’m mooching around in sweats with no makeup and crappy hair?”

“You mean when you’re all relaxed and chilling at home, baking shit and reading books?” he asked. “I’m delighted to tell you you’re insanely hot then. But of course you’re also hot when you’re on a shoot and made up to the nines with your hair all fancy. And when you’ve just come so hard you almost broke my dick, you are scorching hot.”

I did not blush. The room was just warm.

“Face it, you’re hot all the time. It’s the truth.”

“Hmm. I think you’re biased.”

“I think I’m the lucky bastard that gets to worship the ground a benevolent goddess walks on.” The look in his eyes was most meaningful. Amused, almost.

“I knew it.” I rose up, letting him slide out of me. When I tried to climb off the bed, however, he grabbed my wrist in a loose but unbreakable hold. “I knew you were listening when Lena and I were talking. Ziggy, that was a private conversation.”

“Then don’t have it eight feet away from me talking at the top of your voices next time.” He smirked, pressing a kiss to the inside of my wrist before letting go. “I’m not going to apologize for listening. That was useful information. Mind if I use the bathroom?”

“No, go ahead.”

He kissed my bare shoulder and away he went. “There’s like five hundred tubes and jars of stuff in here. Enough for a dozen women.”

“Get used to it.”

“Yes, Miss Cooper.”

Such a smartass of a man. The bathroom door softly clicked shut. Truth be known, I don’t think I’d stood much of a chance against him either. Handsome, capable, had his shit together. Behaved like an actual grown-up most of the time and had no sexual shenanigans currently showing on YouTube. Yes, I’d searched. Once bitten, twice shy and all that. He even thought I was hot in all of my various moods and modes. To all intents and purposes, I’d hit the maybe boyfriend jackpot. Actually, I should probably get some specifics on that.

“Ziggy?” I wandered closer to the door.

Inside the bathroom, the toilet flushed. “Yeah?”

“Sorry to disturb you, but…quick question,” I said. “Are we dating now? I mean, are we like together? You know, boyfriend/girlfriend or partner or whatever type of—”


“No pressure. I’m just curious.”

“We’re together, okay? We’re working this out.”


“I’m going to wash my hands. Be out in a minute.”

“Sure. Go ahead.”

A tap turned on.

We were official. Glad we had that sorted. Now I just had to stop or at least learn to ignore the weird feeling going on in my stomach. Hopefully it would go away. It was a sickly churning heavy kind of sensation. An uncomfortable weight in my middle, like a premonition everything was somehow about to go wrong. Which was stupid because it wasn’t. We’d just had spectacular sex. He was laughing and happy and stating in specific terms that we were together. My stalker was behind bars for the foreseeable future. All was good and right in my world.

I studied my somewhat glowing post-great-sex face in the mirror beside the bed. “Knock Copyright 2016 - 2024