Cloak of Night (Circle of Shadows #2) - Evelyn Skye Page 0,74

her soul.

How could something so beautiful be so abominable?

“I can’t . . .” She was breathing too fast. Her head began to spin.

“Deep breaths.” Daemon wrapped his arms around her. Bolts of lightning shot through Sora’s skin. Not literally, but it felt as if he had set his electricity on her, tingly and warm.

“Thank you, but I need . . . I don’t know what I need. I have to think. I can’t. . . . It’s too much.” She ran away from the Society post and into the dense woods that surrounded Paro Village.

Sora kept running. She shoved through vines and ducked under half-fallen trees. She zigzagged through rocks and pushed onward, even when thorns snagged the hem of her trousers and scratched the skin beneath bloody.

Finally, her legs turned to jelly from exhaustion, and she sagged against a boulder, shaded by a scraggly oak. She buried her face in her hands.

It was quiet here, not even a bird chirping, but still, she noticed when the breeze shifted ever so slightly above her.

“You followed me,” she said, without looking up at the branches far overhead.

Daemon alighted from the tree and swooped to the forest floor. “I wanted to make sure you were all right.” He sat beside her and put his arm around her again. “I’m so sorry, Sora.”

She wanted to cry, but the tears wouldn’t come. Instead, fury balled up her insides. “How could Prince Gin do this?” Sora pounded her fists against Daemon’s broad chest. “What kind of monster can so cavalierly damn other people’s souls for eternity just to get what he wants?”

Daemon let her keep hitting him. “The same kind of monster,” he said, “who can sacrifice two hundred innocents and watch them cut out their own hearts.”

“I hate him,” Sora said, each blow landing on Daemon with a thump. “I hate him I hate him I hate him!”

It’s all too much, she thought. Why bother fighting at all? Why not let Prince Gin do what he wanted instead? If he succeeded, he’d bring his dream of the Evermore to reality. Sora would be immortal. She wouldn’t have to worry about her soul being condemned to the hells.

But as soon as Sora thought it, her conscience flared up, so hot that she actually startled. How could she have believed—even for a second—that allowing the Dragon Prince to win was an option? Too many people would die on the quest to achieve the Evermore, and every ryuu who was killed would spend eternity being tortured in the hells. It was selfishness that drove Prince Gin, and that wasn’t what Sora was made of.

She collapsed against Daemon. He held her as she shook in silent sobs, still no tears but sadness nonetheless.

“Distract me,” Sora said. “Tell me about your training. How has it been going with Liga?”

Daemon laughed quietly. “It’s been . . . interesting. Liga is still figuring out how to interact with humans, and it can be rather amusing. But he’s a good and patient teacher, and I’ve learned a lot. I can shift easily now, and I can fly pretty well. He taught me some basic magic, too. I still have to work on my gravitational powers, though—”

Sora’s mouth dropped open. “Your what?”

The grin on Daemon’s face was bright enough to rival the moon. “All of Vespre’s children have different powers related to the stars or the night. You saw how Liga made the sky dimmer when he first appeared. Well, I apparently used to be able to control gravity, one of the powers of the stars.”

“Daemon, that’s incredible.”

“I can’t believe I gave it up, but it’s all right, because I’m going to relearn how to do it.”

“I’m really happy for you.” She rested her head on his chest, and she swore she could almost feel the intensity of his magic in each of his breaths. Gods, she had missed him. But being this close to Daemon was rejuvenating. Geminas were meant to be together. Maybe not romantically but at least physically and emotionally. She hadn’t realized how much stronger she felt when she wasn’t separated from him.

He told her some more about the smaller spells that he was using, like conjuring food (not great but edible), clothes (he no longer had to be naked when he shifted), and even a ledge outside the Dragon Prince’s study. It was enough to distract Sora’s mind for a while.

But eventually, he ran out of stories to tell, and silence settled into the forest again.

Sora sighed as Copyright 2016 - 2024