Click to Subscribe - By L. M. Augustine Page 0,62

to the rhythmic crashing of waves onto the sand, the distant laughs of neighbors on their own beaches, and the rumble of trucks driving by.

When Cat steps out of her car, I turn my head to her, shielding the sun with my left hand, and smiling.

“Hey you,” I say as she approaches. Then, I nod to the car. It’s sleek and slim with perfect, glossy-red paint, and it looks brand new, even though it’s ten years old. “Your dad’s Mercedes is also looking pretttty freaking nice. You did an awesome job fixing it.”

She sits down next to me, smiling too. “You mean we did an awesome job fixing it.”

I hold up my hands. “Can’t argue with that! I’m just glad we were finally able to use it.”

“Me too,” she says, and then, as I look at her, I can’t help but put my arm around her. She leans her head into my shoulder and, with the wind whipping against us, we stare out at the horizon and the water and sand of the beach below.

“It’s beautiful,” I breathe, because as I take in my surroundings I realize that it really is just that: beautiful. But even more beautiful than the beach is Cat and the feeling she gives me. With my arm around her it’s like I’m omnipotent, like her warmth is my Kryptonite.

“It is.” I follow her gaze to the giant, all-wood beach house to our right. “And that, West Ryder, is the holy grail of beach houses. My grandfather was a genius when it came to buying real estate.”

“For sure. This is going to be a perfect week away from the rest of the world. Just you and me,” I whisper.

She nods. “I always told you that when I fixed up that Mercedes, I’d take the boy of my dreams here.” She turns to me, her blue eyes sparkling. “And I was right.”

Then, she leans in, and with the sun shining down on our backs, our lips lock.


As I write these acknowledgements, I still can’t believe that this is really happening. (I’m not dreaming this all up, right? My book is seriously being published?)

I would not be here today without my fabulous critique partners Joy and Stephanie. Thank you for listening to my pointless rants and for making me a better writer. And to AJOMA, my writer’s group, who may or may not ever read this—you guys seriously rock my world. I am so appreciative of the random late-night chats, the weirdness, and the constant support. I’d be lost without all you.

I would also like to thank Tristina Wright and Allie Brennan for beta-reading this book on a moment’s notice and for providing such insightful feedback. Click could not have happened without you. Much love, as well, to B Design, for taking my very rough vision of a book cover and turning it into something so utterly perfect. I could not have asked for a better design.

To bloggers Anna Reads Romance, Just A Book Lover, Candy Coated Book Blog, I Heart Books, Books Over Boys, Can’t Read Just One, and to authors Helen Boswell, Alessandra Thomas, Laura Howard, Katy Evans, Priya Kanaparti, Leigh Ann Kopans, Adriane Boyd, Cora Carmack, Beth Michele, and all of the other amazing bloggers and authors who have helped me along the way —your support has made me feel so much more confident in this decision. Thank you.

I am also eternally grateful for John Green, Colleen Hoover, and the other YA and NA authors out there whose books and absolutely amazing characters have given me the courage to publish my own.

Last of all, I want to thank everyone who reads Click To Subscribe. Whether you liked it or not (although I hope you do enjoy it, obviously!) it means so much to me that you gave this little story a chance.

About L.M. Augustine

L.M. Augustine is a YA romance author who is obsessed with writing about dorky teenagers, love, and happy endings. He currently lives in New England, where he spends far too much time reading books and screaming at his computer, and he believes that the solution to the world’s problems can be found in chocolate cake. Click To Subscribe is his first novel, but it won’t be his last. Feel free to follow his Facebook page, his Twitter account, and/or his blog for book news, random GIFs, and overall just plain strangeness.

P.S. I love my readers to death, so feel free to get in touch! I’ll do my best to respond to all emails/tweets/FB posts ASAP.

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