In the Clear - Kathryn Nolan Page 0,99

of the space, noting who’s coming and going and any back entrances we should be aware of.” Delilah pinned Abe and me with a serious look. “Given that your cover is blown, at least for Eudora and Peter, you should stay with Humphrey. No more fighting.”

“Del will handle the fighting,” Henry said proudly. “And I’ll be here, keeping an eye on things and gathering any extra evidence for the real auction tomorrow.”

In a tag-team effort, Abe and I had filled them in on every last detail, starting with my weeks of working the Sherlock Society and the items we’d discovered in Bernard’s office. We covered Eudora, Humphrey, the fire, the attempted mugging, the attack at the cocktail bar, the notes, the code words. Throughout it all, the four detectives listened, asked thoughtful questions, compiled ideas and bounced off each other with a practiced skill.

I was fucking astonished. Not once had I ever had the purpose of a high-functioning team demonstrated to me the way I had on this day.

During those hours, we’d learned right away that Henry could still be recognized everywhere in this city. During his time working with Bernard, he’d met Eudora, met Humphrey, attended a handful of lectures at the Society from time to time. So he was our silent sixth partner, working behind the scenes.

“Keep pulling through the files Sloane brought from Bernard’s office,” Abe said. “And if you can start mapping out where we’ll be tomorrow night, that would help. The auction is our hot spot, but Adler’s, Mycroft’s Pub, and 221B Baker Street are still places of interest.”

Henry was nodding along while taking notes. The reflection of a laptop screen appeared on his glasses. I could see him scrolling through websites. “Anyone else get a good look at the picture of Peter Markham? The bookstore seller? I never met him in person, just heard a lot about his grandfather. And Bernard and Humphrey loved going to Adler’s.”

“What about him specifically?” Abe asked.

Henry touched his glasses, squinting at the screen. “He looks familiar, but I can’t place him.”

The rest of the team gathered around the librarian. Freya and Delilah shook their heads as Sam leaned closer. “Yeah. I see what you mean. He looks familiar to me. No fucking clue how or why we’d recognize him though. Maybe you met him before when you lived out here and don’t remember.”

“Abe thought he looked familiar too,” I said. “Have you had any revelations about it?”

“No,” Abe said thoughtfully. “I was ready to write it off as nothing, but if the two of you feel the same way, then I’m less likely to think it’s a fluke. Peter is already suspicious because of his ties to Bernard and whatever he’s been doing with Eudora.”

Delilah tapped her pen against her keyboard. “Peter and his bookstore are seeming more suspicious by the second. Henry, if you went in disguise, and made it quick, could you do a walk-by of Adler’s?”

“Absolutely,” Henry said. “And I’ll make it fast, just enough to get a sense of anything that could jog my memory—of him or the bookstore. I’ll raid Abe and Sam’s suitcases and cover myself as much as I can.”

Delilah pressed her hand to his cheek. “My handsome secret agent.”

Henry kissed her palm, smiled. I was slowly getting used to the fact that the Codex team was comprised of two extremely happy couples unafraid to display their happiness. It was an odd thing for me, seeing couples working together in a way that was positive. Joyful. For all of Abe’s grumbling about PDA, his quiet contentment around these four was palpable.

Abe rubbed his face one last time before exhaling loudly. He clapped his hands together once and examined the slowly drooping bodies of his team. We had just under an hour to go. “You all appear tired.”

“Why would you say that, boss?” Freya yawned dramatically, head in Sam’s lap. The brawny ex-FBI agent scratched her hair with a love-struck expression.

Abe flashed me an extremely sexy grin. “Shall I get my illustrious team takeout, you think?”

“It’s only fair, given your history of lies and deceit.” I shrugged.

The team’s scattered laughter warmed my cheeks. “Picking his pockets and unafraid to call him on his shit,” Delilah said, approvingly. “Welcome to the team, Sloane.”

My cheeks grew hotter. When I caught Abe’s admiring look, I went up in flames. “Just happy to be here,” I grinned. “I bring a lot of skills to the table, mainly my ability to fluster your boss.”

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