In the Clear - Kathryn Nolan Page 0,95

out weaknesses and exploit them. I can slip into any undercover identity in seconds, without hesitation. It feels wrong to use evil skills for good. It makes me feel like I’m stepping too close to the edge. One toe over the line…”

Abe studied me. “How often are you tempted to toe over that line?”

I searched my memories for the last time I’d defied the law. Came up… empty.

“Ah,” he said. “Maybe you’re good. Maybe you’ve always been good.”

“You think so?” I was trying to be funny, but the words came out eager, needy. I went to look away, and he trapped my chin, tilted me back.

“I know so,” he said. “Honesty, remember?”

I nodded, conceding his point, feeling flushed with a newfound feeling. Conversation done, at least in his mind, he started to walk away. I snagged his tie. Tugged him back between my legs.

“May I help you?” he asked, tone playful.

I replied with a kiss more sweet than smoldering. “You are not your father.”

His face hardened. “Excuse me?”

I matched his hard expression, unafraid. “Lone wolf or not, you are not him. It’s okay to still be angry with him. It’s also okay to let it go. It’s okay to find that hope your mother felt, to want someone in your life. It doesn’t make you weak. The opposite, in fact.”

He softened—he kissed my forehead again, breathing me in. When he stepped back, the expression on his face was one of a man seeing the golden hues of a sunset for the very first time. “You are not at all what I expected.”

My voice was shaky when I finally answered. “And that heart of yours is bigger than you think.”

A line appeared between his brows. “It’s hard for me to crack open this fortress. There’s not a lot of room in there for others.”

There wasn’t time for us to continue this conversation—wasn’t time for us to pin down the unruly chaos of this instant attraction. Abe’s phone chimed with an incoming message that he read immediately. Whatever he saw put a genuine smile on his face, which stole the breath from my lungs.

“They’re here and waiting in the café,” he said.

I jumped down from the dresser, did a mini twirl. “And this look is okay, right?”

His hungry perusal of my bare legs only intensified the butterflies in my stomach. “The image of you in my sweatshirt will feature in many fantasies to come.”

I gripped the bathroom doorframe to keep from swooning. “Give me… um, give me five minutes, and I’ll be ready.”

Those five minutes became ten when I realized my shirt was on backwards and I applied mascara to my right eye—twice. The butterflies in my stomach roared, my fingers shook, my breath was unsteady.

Codex was here.

We had less than two days to pull everything off.

Every opportunity I had ever craved relied upon tomorrow night’s success.

And all I truly wanted in that moment was for Abe to make room in his heart.

For me.



There were several moments in my life I would always remember.

The day my mother was able to say Abraham again.

The feel of the keys in my hand when I opened the Codex offices for the first time.

The second I first locked eyes with Sloane.

And the sight of Henry, Delilah, Freya, and Sam—looking jet-lagged and slightly bedraggled—standing in a café in London. Those slightly bedraggled expressions transformed into brilliant smiles as Sloane and I stepped inside the bustling space.

I immediately slipped my hands inside my pockets to hide their traitorous shaking. Gave my team a short nod. “Lovely to see all of you.”

With an exasperated eye roll, Freya launched herself at me, arms wrapped around my own stiff ones. Delilah was next, joining Freya—although her hug was softer and a little more understanding.

“Well, cheerio, guv’na,” Freya said. “We’re here to save the day. Don’t worry, no thanks necessary.”

“I’d never even consider it,” I said—although I worked my arms free and finally hugged them back quickly. Sam clapped me on the shoulder, and Henry shook my hand—warmly and with a real smile as he adjusted his glasses.

“It’s good to be back here,” Henry said. “I’ve missed London.”

“Enjoying the raves, sir?” Sam smirked.

“Oh, every night,” I said.

“We see you’re not dressed in your vacation attire.” Delilah frowned, tapping her chin. “Would have thought those Hawaiian shirts would have done wonders here in rainy London for your much-needed time away.”

“Oh, are we calling Abe on his bullshit already?” Freya clapped her hands together. “I’ve got some good ones locked and loaded, trust and Copyright 2016 - 2024