In the Clear - Kathryn Nolan Page 0,112

hanger from which a long red dress hung. I dropped to my knees again, and her hands landed on my shoulders as she stepped inside the pool of scarlet fabric. Her expression was stripped bare of anything but raw honesty. “I find it interesting that the two of us crave control. But whatever is happening between us is pure fucking chaos. And fun.”

I laughed softly, nuzzled my cheek against her leg. “You’re having fun with me?”

“The most fun I’ve ever had,” she said. “Aren’t you?”

I analyzed the teasing lightness I had in my chest whenever Sloane was around, the desire to show her things, tell her things, whisk her away to wild and exotic vacations. “Very much so,” I said—voice rough at the edges. I slipped her dress up her thighs, over the swell of her ass, along her ribcage, rising rapidly with breath. At her bare breasts, I moved the fabric softly over her hard nipples, tying the straps behind her neck.

She looked down at herself. “How do I look?”

“You are the most enchanting creature I have ever seen,” I said. I bent down, kissed her cheek. “Chaos personified.” Hands on her shoulders, I turned her toward the mirror so she could see herself.

“What I can’t figure out,” I continued. “Is why I’m craving this type of chaos for the first time in my life. My life was strict order before you came along. I can’t get enough of you.”

I smoothed my arms around her waist and kissed her throat.

“Racing headlong into passion is something I’ve never done before,” she whispered. Sloane and I weren’t the kind of people who eagerly shared their feelings. I recognized this as a verbal sidestep to ‘I like you a lot.’

“I’m happy we’re racing together,” I said, knowing she’d understand my own sidestep.

“I think whatever this is,” she said. “Is different. It’s why it feels so important.” She swallowed, paused. “So… life-changing.”

Talk about a gift I never wanted to stop opening—Sloane’s shy vulnerability was enough to repeatedly bring me to my knees.

“Tonight,” she continued. “Whatever happens, we do it together. Like we said.” She held my hands tightly.

“Together,” I promised. “And I’m still here, chaos and all.”

“And I’m not going anywhere,” she whispered.



At 8:01, the Codex team were in their positions. Abe and I strolled casually down Baker Street on a fake date. Henry played the role of lonely academic at the pub across from Adler’s. Delilah was an American auction fanatic, excited to meet bidders at Kensley’s. And Sam and Freya were literally hiding in the shadows of the parking lot.

The night had a liquid dream-like quality to it. A brief respite from the rain had the clouds overhead dispersing, revealing the moon. It seemed like everyone in London was out, enjoying the nice weather, as Abe and I kept tabs on the Sherlock Holmes museum. Which was dark, empty, and closed.

“Don’t forget to breathe,” I said to the exquisitely handsome man next to me.

“Hard to do when you’re around, Ms. Argento,” he murmured.

I touched my hot cheeks. “Oh my god, was that a line?”

He made a show of turning casually toward the museum, checking things out. “See? I’m fun.”

We shared a quick smile before getting back to the business at hand. Abe Royal slowly dressing me like I was a priceless artifact was an experience I would never be able to forget. My body had never felt so achingly alive, so seen and revered. It had propelled me to speak the truth, to step out on the tight rope of my emotions regardless of whether or not he followed.

He had. I’m still here, chaos and all.

What happened after tonight was a conversation we’d yet to have, but all I needed in that moment was confirmation that this intensity was gripping us both equally. Over seven days, I’d gone from concealing my name from this man to sharing secrets that had never seen the light of day. I hadn’t burst into flames either or gone running back into the shadows.

I wasn’t them.

My parents wouldn’t have partnered with Abe in the first place, let alone risk cold hard cash to do the right thing and call the authorities. If Argento Enterprises was going to continue to flourish the way I wanted, then recognizing I was truly on the right path was as vital as scoring big clients.

Our phones buzzed at the same time with a text from Sam: Julian and Birdie just arrived. Delilah, I’ll text you a physical description and what they’re Copyright 2016 - 2024