Claiming Her Beasts (Claiming Her Beasts #1) - Dia Cole Page 0,49


Javier’s grin widened. “And it looked fast?”

“We’ve clocked him at 300 miles per hour.”

“Magnífico!” Javier rubbed his hands, looking like a giddy child. “What is it? You must tell me.”

My breath caught in my throat. I too had wondered at my origins. I’d always assumed my kind was some sort of monstrous wolf and feline shifter hybrid.


“Vulcari?” Javier echoed, drawing out the unfamiliar word.

“The species is not of this realm.” Dr. Hurran gave him a smug grin.

What the fuck did that mean?

Javier let out an audible gasp. “So, it is true then?”

I glanced between them. What’s true?

Dr. Hurran nodded.

Javier eyed me with wonder. “Please tell me there are more like it.”

Dr. Hurran shook her head. “Unfortunately, all the Typhos subjects were terminated except this one and his twin.”

My heart skipped a beat. Ghost is alive? The roaring in my ears drowned out the rest of their conversation. “Where is my brother?” I demanded. How did I not know he was alive?

“Silencio,” commanded Javier. But he turned to Dr. Hurran and asked her the same question.

The scientist shrugged. “Dr. Zimmerman moved him to an undisclosed research facility.”

“No matter. We’ll find him, won’t we?” He and Dr. Hurran exchanged some private joke.

Jen opened her blood-rimmed eyes. “Hunter,” she whispered. “I order you… to run straight to Dominic…”

I growled under my breath. I wouldn’t have left her even if I could have moved.

“I-ignore all other orders. Go to Dominic now,” Jen wheezed.

Suddenly, I was free to move. I snarled at Javier, wanting more than anything to destroy him and that traitor scientist, but I couldn't fight Jen’s orders.

“Come back!” Javier shouted as I turned and ran. The power in his voice made my head ring, but it wasn’t enough to counter my handler’s order.

I heard Dr. Hurran shout, “Kill his handler.”

A gun fired.

The bond between Jen and I flared with agonizing pain and then snapped. Static burst through my inner ear and all my sense of Jen’s emotions vanished.

She’s dead. My handler was dead.

Instead of feeling relief that I was finally free of her oversight, an unexpected wave of grief hit me.

Jen had been decent to me. She didn’t deserve to die.

It was yet another nail in Javier’s coffin. Soon he and Dr. Hurran would die by my hands. But they’d have to get in line because right now I had someone else to kill.

Jen’s last order was the greatest parting gift she could have given me. I was going to do as she ordered. I’d run straight to Dominic, and then I’d send the bastard straight to hell.



I’d never been more excited to see Gran’s stupid bus than when I spied it parked behind one of the news vans.

I waved at Reed and dragged Eden over to the vehicle. “Come on.”

She stumbled after me. “Lee, you could go to prison for this.”

“Just get in.” I slid open the back door, revealing two raggedy bench seats facing one another.

She stuck out her chin the way she always did when she was about to pitch a fit. “This is insane.”

I tightened my grip on her arm. “Don’t make me throw you in.”

Reed twisted around. “Hey, Eden. Everyone’s turning into zombies. Cool, huh?”

Eden looked between us. “Are you high?”

“Totally.” Reed laughed. “I’m tripping hard.”

Two police cars, lights flashing and sirens blaring, pulled in behind us.

A rush of adrenaline had me shoving my sister into the van. I clambered in behind her and slammed the door. “Go,” I shouted to Reed.

He shifted, and the van slowly puttered forward. He shifted again, and the van reversed a few inches.

I could feel the vein in my temple throbbing. “Get this hunk of junk moving.”

“Patience, woman. We’re boxed in.”

I pushed the dirty curtain out of the way and peeked through the window. Thankfully, the officers were running toward the station. My blood pressure fell a couple of notches.

Reed flipped a U-turn and drove us back the way we came.

Letting out a deep breath, I sat down next to my sister and met her incredulous stare. “Don’t give me that look. You’re the one that screwed up.” I pursed my lips and thinned my voice. “Sissy, I promise no more protests. I’m just going to have coffee with friends tonight.” I finished my impersonation of her by flipping back my hair.

She paled. “I can explain—”

I held up my hand. “I’m tired of excuses. Reed, step on it.” Hopefully, we could still make it home in time to meet Uncle Duncan and get the hell out of town. If we didn’t…

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