Claimed by Shadow Page 0,103

him like hungry sharks. The flailing mass flogged my body like bark-covered whips, while the earth around Mac boiled with activity. Dozens of roots wrapped around him, binding him, as thick as a shroud. Then a huge knotted specimen slammed into my stomach, driving the air out of my lungs. I fell to my knees, and when I looked again, Mac had disappeared. The only sign that anything had happened was the golden wards that stuck up here and there out of the churned-up dirt.

The pixie said something to the lumbering giant standing behind her. He would have made a couple dozen of her, but he moved at her command without question. His bulk coming towards me down the path was the last thing I saw before the world went black and I realized that I'd been stuffed into a sack. I remember being slung over someone's back; then my brain shut down completely and I fell into darkness.

I awoke in a cold sweat, gasping for air, my heart hammering in my side. I stared into absolute blackness in dry-mouthed terror. I was sure something was about to grab me and that it would all start again. But minutes passed and nothing happened, and I couldn't hear any breaths except my own labored ones. My chest hurt as though I'd run for miles and I wanted nothing more than to curl around the pain until it vanished, but I couldn't afford the luxury. I had to find out where I was, had to know what had happened.

By feel I discovered that I was on a crudely made cot in a stone cell, naked, with only a short, scratchy wool blanket as a covering. I guess the tank top hadn't been worth saving. I was thick-headed, bleary-eyed and trembling with the memory of what had almost happened. I examined myself, but other than being bruised, grubby and severely shaken, I seemed to be okay, although the welts the roots had given me throbbed in time with the eagle's claw mark on my hand, making it feel like my rapid heartbeat was echoing throughout my body.

More than anything, I wanted a bath. I groped around until I found a large bucket of water that had been left by the door along with a sponge, a bar of homemade soap and a towel. The floor was bare except for a little straw that had leaked from a tear in the mattress, and there was a drain in the center of the slightly sloping stones. I threw off the blanket and scrubbed my skin until it was raw in places and I couldn't smell anything but the sharp tang of the soap.

I tipped the rest of the water over my head, but despite all my efforts I didn't feel clean. I toweled off, trying not to think about Mac, but it was impossible. The Fey must have gathered up his charms and brought them along, because they were in a pile on the end of the cot, recognizable by their shapes, but cold and lifeless under my hands. I wondered if they were supposed to be some kind of message- a reminder of how helpless our best magic was here. If so, I didn't need it.

I still felt disoriented and could not quite believe what I'd just seen. But the image was seared onto my eyes. I could hear Mac's last scream, see his fingers clawing at the ground, seeking a weapon he didn't have because he'd given his only Fey charm to me.

And I'd lost it.

I tried to summon my power again, but although I could feel it like a great wave beating against a seawall, it couldn't quite reach me. Maybe there was a way of compensating for the dampening effect but if so I couldn't figure it out. Now that my eyes had adjusted, I could see a faint light outlining the cell's door, so dim that when I blinked it disappeared. As far as escape went, it didn't help, and there wasn't a lot of inspiration in the bare cell. Other than the cot, there was no furniture, and except for the heavy, locked door and a high, barred window, there was no way out. I wrapped the blanket around me in lieu of clothes and dragged the cot over a few feet, wincing at the sound it made on the stones. When I clambered on top, I could just reach the windowsill, but when I felt around with my Copyright 2016 - 2024