Claim of Eon - Anna Hackett Page 0,56


“Yes. I love you so much, Donovan.”

He kissed her, taking his time to nibble on her lips. “We’ll sort it all out. For now, we’re both on the Rengard. And what I want is my beautiful, competent, sexy warrior-mate by my side. Always. I’m right where I want to be, Airen.”

She trembled. “I love you.”

“I know. I claimed you, my warrior. I hunted you down and claimed you, fair and square. You were naked, I fought off rabid criminals…”

She rolled her eyes. “I think I fought off more criminals.”

“Nothing you can do can change the fact that you’re mine, Airen Kann-Felis, just as I’m yours.”

“And we can take on anything together,” she whispered.

“Hell, yeah. We come up against any problem, any enemy, more Kantos, I’m sending you in to fight.” He nipped her lips. “I love watching my warrior kick ass. And I love your ass, and your legs, and your—”

Laughing, she kissed him. “I think I get it.”

“That,” he whispered. “That laugh. I’m going to spend the rest of our lives making you laugh, Airen. Making you feel loved.”

Then he kissed his mate, and set about loving her all over again.

I hope you enjoyed Airen and Donovan’s story!

Eon Warriors continues with Storm of Eon starring Security Commander Sabin Solann-Ath and Dr. Finley Delgado. Coming in 2021.

For more action-packed romance, read on for a preview of the first chapter of Gladiator, the first book in my best-selling Galactic Gladiators series.

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Preview: Gladiator

Fighting for love, honor, and freedom on the galaxy’s lawless outer rim…

When Earth space marine Harper Adams finds herself abducted by alien slavers off a space station, her life turns into a battle for survival. Dumped into an arena on a desert planet on the outer rim, she finds herself face to face with a big, tattooed alien gladiator…the champion of the Kor Magna Arena.

Just another day at the office.

Harper Adams pulled herself along the outside of the space station module. She could hear her quiet breathing inside her spacesuit, and she easily pulled her weightless body along the slick, white surface of the module. She stopped to check a security panel, ensuring all the systems were running smoothly.

Check. Same as it had been yesterday, and the day before that. But Harper never ever let herself forget that they were six hundred million kilometers away from Earth. That meant they were dependent only on themselves. She tapped some buttons on the security panel before closing the reinforced plastic cover. She liked to dot all her Is and cross all her Ts. She never left anything to chance.

She grabbed the handholds and started pulling herself up over the cylindrical pod to check the panels on the other side. Glancing back behind herself, she caught a beautiful view of the planet below.

Harper stopped and made herself take it all in. The orange, white, and cream bands of Jupiter could take your breath away. Today, she could even see the famous superstorm of the Great Red Spot. She’d been on the Fortuna Research Station for almost eighteen months. That meant, despite the amazing view, she really didn’t see it anymore.

She turned her head and looked down the length of the space station. At the end was the giant circular donut that housed the main living quarters and offices. The main ring rotated to provide artificial gravity for the residents. Lying off the center of the ring was the long cylinder of the research facility, and off that cylinder were several modules that housed various scientific labs and storage. At the far end of the station was the docking area for the supply ships that came from Earth every few months.

“Lieutenant Adams? Have you finished those checks?”

Harper heard the calm voice of her fellow space marine and boss, Captain Samantha Santos, through the comm system in her helmet.

“Almost done,” Harper answered.

“Take a good look at the botany module. The computer’s showing some strange energy spikes, but the scientists in there said everything looks fine. Must be a system malfunction.”

Which meant the geek squad engineers were going to have to come in and do some maintenance. “On it.”

Harper swung her body around, and went feet-first down the other side of the module. She knew the rest of the security team—all made up of United Nations Space Marines—would Copyright 2016 - 2024