Claim of Eon - Anna Hackett Page 0,54

came across the comm line. “I can’t send you anywhere, Lennox.”

They both looked up.

Two faces were on the screen. The left side showed the ruler of the Eon, King Gayel Solann-Eon. The man wore a faint smile on his handsome, rugged face. He had the typical long, brown hair of an Eon warrior, and wore a sleeveless shirt in a rich blue. A gold cord circled one of his muscled biceps.

The second image was of Donovan’s captain, Allie Borden. The blonde Terran wore a crisp Space Corps uniform, and was grinning.

Malax stepped forward. “Actually, they have a very good reason, Gayel. Airen and Donovan are mated.”

“Donovan.” Allie shook her head, surprise on her face. “Congratulations.”

Donovan pulled Airen close to his side. “Thanks.”

King Gayel inclined his head. “Yet another mating. I’m very happy for you both.”

“Thank you, your Majesty,” Airen said.

The king’s smile faded. “Unfortunately, we have less happy news to talk about. And I’m very sorry to hear about your ordeal with the Kantos.”

“Luckily, Donovan and I were together.” She glanced at her mate. “I doubt I would have survived without him.”

“Ditto,” Donovan murmured. “Sir, the Kantos need a stronger warning. They came after Airen and her helian.”

She gripped his arm. “Donovan, there’s more.”

He frowned. “What’s happened?”

It was Allie who answered. “D, the Kantos attacked Earth.”

He cursed. “Casualties?”

“Thankfully, quite small.” The anger in her voice said that even one loss was too many. “It wasn’t a full-scale attack. More like a small strike team that attacked Houston.”

Airen watched a muscle in Donovan’s jaw tick.

“Testing our capabilities,” he said.

All the warriors around them nodded.

“We will not allow the Kantos to destroy Earth,” King Gayel said. “I’ve authorized a small team of Eon warriors to be assigned to Earth.”

Airen’s eyes widened, and Donovan squeezed her hand.

“The plan is for them to work with our defense team,” Allie said. “Help in designing experimental weapons for planetary defense.”

“We need to send our best weapons experts,” Gayel continued. “Malax, I’d like to borrow your security commander.”

Airen glanced at Sabin. His work before the Rengard had included advanced weapons technology.

The warrior straightened and nodded. “I’ll do whatever my king and war commander order.”

“Good,” the king said. “I’m told that you will work with the head of the Terran weapons projects. A Dr. Finley Delgado.”

“Oh,” Wren whispered from nearby.

“What?” Airen asked.

“Let’s just say Dr. Delgado is smarter than me, and is known to be…temperamental. She’s very good at what she does, she just doesn’t play well with others.”

“She?” Airen said.

“Should be interesting,” Donovan murmured.

Suddenly, Airen felt a flash of heat through her entire body. Her cheeks felt like they were on fire. She gripped Donovan’s hand, her legs feeling weak.

He frowned at her. “What’s wrong, Airen?”

She gritted her teeth, drawing in his scent. Just hold it together until the king is finished, Airen.

Wren smiled at Donovan, and Airen growled at the woman. She had her own mate. She didn’t need to smile at Airen’s, or stand so close to him.

Donovan frowned. Acting purely on instinct, Airen reached up and kissed him. She didn’t care about their audience; she needed her mate.

The king coughed, clearly hiding a laugh.

When Airen looked up and blinked, Malax was smiling. “Go.”

Airen grabbed Donovan’s hand and dragged her confused mate off the bridge.

“Airen, what is going on?”

“Mating fever.”

His scowl morphed into a sexy grin. “My cabin or yours?”


Sabin Solann-Ath sat at the desk in the conference room off the bridge.

He was interested to see Earth, and had already packed for his assignment. Weaponry was his area of expertise. If he could help take down the Kantos and protect Earth, it was his duty as an Eon warrior.

Sabin had given a lot in service to his Empire. He was a warrior to the bone. A honed weapon. He liked order, and he liked challenges.

He didn’t think Earth would provide much in the way of a challenge, but at least he could help.

He waited for the call to connect to Earth. He was to make contact with the Terran scientist in charge of the weapons project, Dr. Finley Delgado.

The call connected to show an empty room.

He frowned. “Hello?” He’d made the call exactly at the assigned time.

Someone walked past the camera and sat. “What do you want?”

Sabin blinked at the sharp, female voice. He hadn’t realized the scientist was a woman.

A beautiful woman.

She was tall, with curves, and long, blonde-brown hair pinned up at the back of her head. She had a regal-looking face, with high cheekbones. And brown eyes that looked annoyed.

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