Claim of Eon - Anna Hackett Page 0,17

him by yanking him close and kissing him.

Oh, yeah. The taste of her was exquisite. He opened his mouth, and touched his tongue to hers.

She slid her arms around his shoulders and moaned.

But Donovan was conscious that they were right near the brig, and anyone could see them. She’d hate that.

He lifted her up and stalked into a shadowed side corridor, pressing her against the wall. She moaned into his mouth again, and they kissed like they needed each other to survive.

Finally, she lifted her head. She was panting, and several strands of her hair had escaped her braid.

“What was that?” she murmured.

“No idea.” It was hot and desperate, and better than any kiss he’d ever had before.

She wiggled and he set her on the floor. She straightened her uniform. “I’ve no idea where we were going. My brain’s short-circuited.”

Donovan grinned. “I don’t believe that for a second.”

“Okay, I remember the pirate, but my brain really is scrambled.”

“Mine too.”

“We aren’t doing it again,” she said in a stern voice.

“Okay,” he agreed readily.

She squinted suspiciously at him. “You agreed very quickly.”

“Well, you had already told me before that we wouldn’t do it again, but you’ve kissed the hell out of me a couple of times now.” He smiled. “And I’m going to be right at your side, reminding you of the goodness you’re missing out on. I think I might even spoil you a little bit, might be fun.”

She scowled. “Is this a seduction tactic of yours? Do you do this with all women?”

“Hell, no. I don’t usually need to put much effort into it at all.”

Her eyes narrowed and he decided to not dwell on that point.

He touched her hair. “I think you’re worth it, Second Commander.”

“How would you know how to spoil a woman, then?”

“I have three sisters.”

She shook her head. “No spoiling, no kissing. We have work to do.”

“I know.”

“And I don’t have time for a dalliance. Ander was right, I have a demanding job to do, and I—”

“I won’t be around forever, Airen. I’ve no desire to have what Malax and Wren have.” Although, saying that strangely made his throat tighten.

She eyed him steadily. “Really?”

“Really. Love isn’t real, it doesn’t last, and it hurts people.”

“Malax and Wren love each other and are very happy. Her sisters, Allie—”

“All exceptions that prove the rule, plus there’s the whole mating thing that makes their connections different. I watched my father leave, and it tore my mom to shreds. She cried every night for years. Love ruined her.”

Airen’s brows drew together. “Donovan—”

“He left and she never stopped loving him. It made her desperately unhappy. No, not interested in that. Two of my sisters have been married, and divorced. One of the assholes beat my sister.”

“You stopped him,” Airen said quietly.

“I broke his jaw and took her home. Love is a lie we use to make ourselves feel good—but it’s temporary.” He reached up and brushed his thumb across her tempting lips. “Good, honest desire and respect. I’ll take that any day.”

She eyed him a little longer. “We need to interrogate the pirate.”

Even though it was hard, Donovan stepped back. “Let’s do it.”

When they entered the brig, the warriors in charge nodded at Airen.

The pirate was in a cell, sitting on a bare bunk behind a shimmering containment field. Airen stepped through it, and then Donovan followed. A slight tingle ran over his skin.

The pirate looked at them sulkily. “Space-cursed Eon, always so high and mighty.”

He had a scarred face, ragged clothes, and cloudy, green eyes.

“We are,” Airen said. “Especially when you attack our outposts, and kill and injure our people.”

The pirate sniffed. “Just wanted to get your attention.”

“Well, you’ve got it. And I guarantee you won’t like the results.”

“Why did you attack?” Donovan asked.

“The Kantos paid us. They’re ugly suckers, but their credits are good.”

“What was the objective?” Airen demanded. “To steal something? Our data?”

“Nope.” The pirate slouched back, like he didn’t have a care in the universe.

Annoyed, Donovan kicked the man’s boots. “Answer her. Why the fuck did you attack?”

“The Kantos wanted us to.”

“Why?” Airen snapped.

Cloudy eyes glanced at Donovan, then back to Airen.

“So you’d come.”

Donovan frowned, saw Airen frowning as well.

“So the Rengard would come?” she asked.

“Nope. You. Second Commander Airen Kann-Felis.”

Donovan’s gut clenched. What the fuck?

Chapter Seven

“Explain,” Airen demanded.

She didn’t take her eyes off the pirate. They’d come here looking for her? It made no sense.

“I don’t know any more than that.” The pirate grinned, showing dirty, decaying teeth. “Just get a female warrior to Thessa. We made Copyright 2016 - 2024