City of Spells (Into the Crooked Place #2) - Alexandra Christo Page 0,117

is not like anyone expects buskers to have manners.”

“Is that why you brought knives?” Tavia asked. “Because you’re so well mannered?”

“They argue a lot, huh?” Zekia asked.

She was standing on her tiptoes so that she could whisper in Saxony’s ear.

“You don’t know the half of it,” Saxony said.

She smiled at her sister, and when Zekia laughed, a peace fell into Saxony’s heart.

She couldn’t believe her little sister was laughing at her side again.

The crowd rumbled, murmurs growing as Fenna Schulze finally walked out onto the stage, followed by over a dozen armed guards and Wesley Thornton Walcott. He stood next to the podium as Schulze cleared her throat and readied to address the realm.

“I am here today not just as your Doyen, but as a citizen of this realm,” she said. “As many of you know, just days ago the Kingpin known as Dante Ashwood was killed, as part of a joint effort between our forces and volunteers from buskers and Crafters across the realm.”

The audience stirred at the mention of Crafters.

Saxony’s people were supposed to be the bad guys, after all.

“Because of these noble efforts, we were able to end the war that threatened our peace and our freedom,” Schulze continued. “And with thanks to our allies, we were also able to develop a cure for Dante Ashwood’s mind-control elixir. This has already been made available across Creije and Yejlath, and will be distributed to the other cities in the realm within the coming days.”

Saxony had been the one to create more of the cure she had fashioned from her family’s blood, teaching other Crafters how to do the same and imbuing it with duplication magic so that it could spread more seamlessly across the realm. It was still a work in progress, but thanks to her, the magic factories where love elixirs and all manner of legal and overpriced magic were usually concocted were now able to produce and reproduce the elixir faster than ever.

She didn’t expect any personal thanks, but a little nod wouldn’t have gone amiss.

“Those infected with the Loj will be given clemency,” Schulze said.”They will be cured and given the chance at a second life, closely monitored by amityguards for a limited time. Those not marked with the Loj, who followed Dante Ashwood because they shared his vision, will be found, arrested, and will face trial. We do not take their crimes lightly.”

Schulze said the last part like she was still addressing an army, rather than a crowd of civilians and communicators. She looked like a warrior instead of a politician.

“Now I must talk to you about the continued alliance we plan to have with both the buskers and the Crafters, all of whom were essential in helping us to secure this victory,” she said.

At that point, Wesley moved forward, his shoulder brushing not so lightly against the Doyen’s as he leaned into the speaker.

“That’s where I come in,” he said, adjusting his tie.

With a tight jaw, Schulze stepped aside to give Wesley the full platform, which he looked all too pleased by.

“Dante Ashwood is dead and you won’t be surprised to know that I’m the one who killed him,” Wesley said.

A few of the crowd sucked in a breath, but most kept their mouths firmly shut.

Which was probably the smart course to take.

Only one spoke up—

“Will you be vying to take his place?” a woman asked. “You were the underboss of Creije, weren’t you?”

Saxony resisted the urge to let her magic rise up to the surface. After all Wesley had done, after saving the realms, they still thought he was the same as the Kingpin. That he was just another underboss on a power trip.

“Alleged underboss,” Wesley said. “And nobody is taking Ashwood’s place. The time of black magic dealing in Uskhanya is over, just like the time for fearing magic is over. All magic sold on the streets will be legal, with more charms available than before, and buskers trading within the law. And, it also must be said, Crafters who feared being hunted or used for magical profit will now be free to live their lives as anyone else might. They do not have to be afraid and they do not have to hide.”

Saxony swallowed.

Karam threaded their hands together.

A free world, where Saxony and her family—where all of her people—could have a real life, with no hiding and no secrets. They could leave the Uncharted Forest and explore what the rest of the realms had to offer, without being scared that Copyright 2016 - 2024