Cindrac - Mikayla Lane Page 0,3

fear, determined to die with dignity. All thoughts went out the window the moment the nanites reached Cin’s brain.

A cold paralyzing wave went through Cin, and his body began to convulse violently. He would have smiled, welcoming death with open arms if he had any control over his body at all. Unfortunately, Cindrac was entirely overwhelmed by the seizure engulfing him.

Barely noting the same thing was happening to Loquan, Cindrac could hear the lab staff panicking around him but couldn’t make out the words. Expecting death at any moment, Cin was surprised and disappointed when the seizure stopped.

Just when he thought it was over and started to worry that nothing would happen, Cindrac’s entire body went ramrod straight as if shot with thousands of volts of electricity. The little bit of dark hair from his military required haircut seemed to stand on end, and his teeth violently clenched to the point of excruciating pain.

Flashes of what appeared to be data raced through Cin’s mind as his heart rate soared to dangerous levels, and his blood pressure skyrocketed. The lab staff and the room began to fade from Cin’s vision, and he prayed the white light he saw in his mind was death.

“Accept me, and I will give you freedom and power.”

The strangely electronic voice echoed through Cindrac’s head, and at first, he thought it was one of the lab staff until the digital face of a man appeared within the white light in his mind.

“Accept me. Together we can rid the evil rampant in this world and free the people.”

“Who are you?” Cindrac thought the question in his mind, terrified of speaking it aloud if this was a test of the overlords.

“I am power, revenge, and justice. I can be yours to command. Accept me.”

Cindrac’s mind struggled to understand what was happening to him while his body began to crash. He was vaguely aware of the lab staff’s attempts to save him and forgot the man's delusion in his mind while he waited for death.

Data, images, information, and knowledge flooded Cindrac’s mind just as his heart stopped beating, and it gave him pause, but it was too late to do anything about it. Something left his body, and Cin hovered over the shell of himself still strapped in the chair.

“Accept me, and together we will save this world and many like it. Do not let us all die and leave the people to continue suffering.”

Tales and legends he’d never heard before of a Higher Being flittered through Cindrac’s mind before a realization hit him that he had to accept the God into his heart. He briefly wondered if that was the being he saw in his mind before the man returned.

“Accept me, and you will be immortal.”

Figuring this was the death moment he was waiting for, Cindrac watched his own body speak the words, “I accept.”

Within seconds, the version of Cin looking down at his body slammed into his physical self with such force that it snapped the straps around him. More concerned with keeping Cindrac alive, the lab staff didn’t notice and continued attempting to stabilize him.

“I will handle this until we can integrate completely,” the strange voice whispered through Cindrac’s mind.

Cin felt like a stranger in his own body while something jerked him out of the chair, and he stood facing the stunned lab staff. Cindrac felt a wave of power begin to consume his body, and his hand raised. Seconds later, every living being in the lab crashed to the floor.

Vaguely aware that he’d somehow set off all the kill switches in the staff, Cindrac looked at the female’s contorted body in the other chair. He was surprised when he removed her restraints, picked up Loquan, and carried her out of the lab with still no control over his body.

Alarms blared throughout the building, and Cin expected that whatever possessed him would be no match for the soldiers running down the hallways towards them. Calls to surrender echoed around him from the armed men quickly closing in, and Cin wondered if this was where he would die.

“We’ll only destroy the overlords and their minions,” the strange voice echoed in Cin’s mind.

Moments later, the soldiers collapsed into temporary comas, and Cin’s body walked over them to get down the hallway to the elevator. Wondering if the strange being possessing him could read his mind, Cin asked what the point of this was since they couldn’t stand alone against the entirety of the world.

The strange electronic voice chuckled. “The Copyright 2016 - 2024