Chronicles of Den'dra - Spencer Johnson Page 0,26

often burn things when you get angry?” Urake watched as Arken unclenched his fists with a concentrated effort and began popping his knuckles vigorously.

“Don’t know what you are talking about.” It was a feeble lie, but Urake didn’t argue. He simply slid a plate over the browned spot on the table.

“Niman accepted my job offer. We are going to be behind Reigns’ lines and fighting the war behind his back. Are you interested in using your Gifts or going back out on guard duty?”

“My cousin says that you saved his life before you died.”

“It makes sense I suppose. Gifts often run in the family. I was wondered why you hadn’t called me a murderer yet.”

“That boy that runs around with you, he Gifted too?” Arken ignored Urake’s comment.

“He is. Niman and another one that will probably be joining us are also. Is that a problem?”

“I don’t care. I just want to kick Reigns’ arse.” Arken’s statement wasn’t quite uttered in enthusiasm. It was more like a notice of intent.

“I would be happy to have you join us. Be ready at the cave entrance tomorrow morning and pack for cold if you haven’t changed your mind by then.”

“Na, I ain’t bothered by cold.” Arken rubbed his hands one last time before returning to the last remnants of his breakfast.

“One other thing, Niman seems to have made a couple enemies. Seeing as he is going to be your comrade in a short while, could you keep an eye on him?”

“Sure thing. They had it coming. What those rat bastards did was wrong.” Urake glanced up and noticed that Niman had disappeared and the men in question had also vanished. Arken was still busy with his food so Urake excused himself and went in search of Aleest. The youth was found in the stables napping on the back of the relatively mean looking warhorse called Elmet. He awoke and slid down as Urake approached.

“You can’t tell me not to come. Em’risi tried.”

“Why do you want to come with me?” Expecting a straight out denial, Aleest frowned at the unexpected question. Urake figured that if the Princess couldn’t argue Aleest down, then he himself had little chance of success in the same endeavor.

“None of these soldiers like me. The horses can tell by the way they talk around me. They think that I… cheat? No, that’s not the word. Think too much of… no that isn’t it.” Aleest furrowed his brow as he sought the elusive word for a moment. “Presume! They think I presume on Em’risi’s kindness. You were kind to me and Emeck is nice. I like him.”

“So you want to come with us because you like us. I should tell you what that entails. We are going to start by climbing over the Garoche Heights. After that we will be traveling around the Braebach and fighting a war. We won’t be sleeping in proper beds very often and we can’t afford to take rest breaks every now and then. We cannot slow down to accommodate a slower member of the party. If you slow down, you will be left behind.” Urake laid out in detail every hardship that they might encounter while Aleest listened silently.

“So… I'm not afraid.” Aleest’s response reminded Urake that Em’risi had failed at this task only an hour previously.

“You should be.”

“Well, I'm not.”

“You are as stubborn as an ox.”

“Mules are more stubborn than oxen.” Urake found himself glaring at the unfazed lad.

“If you join my group, you have to do what I tell you to do without question.”

“I will do anything you want me to, except stay behind.”

“Why you little… I ought to…” Urake trailed off in the middle of his threat when he realized that all the horses in the stable were prancing around nervously. Elmet snorted angrily and chomped at his restraints while looking like he wanted to trample Urake into the ground.

“I'm not a weakling. I will pull my own weight.”

“Fine, but we won’t be on horses and you had better keep up.”

“I will find a way.” Urake shook his head and walked back towards the cave. It was clear that Aleest was stubborn and refused to be moved. There was nothing that he could do to dissuade the lad.

“I saw Skeln again!” Emeck’s telepathic message assaulted Urake’ senses as he broke into a run towards the cave. He snatched a burning torch from a startled soldier before barreling into the cave. He nearly ran into Emeck a moment later running at top speed. Copyright 2016 - 2024