Chronicles of Den'dra - Spencer Johnson Page 0,120

it was considered troubling. It also seemed that Alban thought Reigns should consider it troubling.

“It does. There is a prophecy that says house Safrym will be instrumental in the return of the Dragon Lords. We intended to make sure there were none left to be involved, but it would seem we missed a couple. It also explains why the Asgare has been hunting the Shadow Order so insistently.”

“Em’risi is a descendant of house Safrym.”

“Yes. She was the other one we missed. Now it would seem that what we intended to stop was brought to reality. We have information that puts the two of them working together in the Outlands.”

“That isn’t new information.”

“The part where the Asgare is the Princess’ uncle is new to you.”

“You do have a knack for pointing out insignificant details.”

“Insignificant to some. It explains why the Asgare is acting in Em’risi’s interests and you probably won’t be able to scare him off.”

“So what you are saying is that I should just be rid of him once and for all?”

“It would make things easier; however, it hardly raises hopes considering how many times you have tried. We, on the other hand, haven’t had any better luck ourselves.”

“Crein told me that he wanted to help me catch the Asgare because he had a soul forged weapon and that those weapons are involved in the return of the Dragon Lords.”

“That would be true. If you look at it, then it would make sense that we don’t want a Safrym, who is prophesied to be involved with the returning Dragon Lords, having the sword that belongs to the Dragon Lord that made these new Dragon Lords. It isn’t that complicated.”

“I, for one, had not realized it was quite that complicated. It still doesn't change the fact that I want that sword.”

“As you should. The dwarves were masters of their craft in addition to the fact that we still don’t know how those weapons are connected to the new Dragon Lords. You have some that would be interesting to examine to see if I could figure out what the connection is.” Reigns narrowed his eyes and examined the man before him. The soul forged weapons were among his most valuable acquisitions and the location of the secret vault where they were stored was known only to him. On the other hand was the fact that beings described in the histories as incredibly powerful might be working with the rebels. Any help in stopping that collaboration might be useful.

“Fine. Follow me.” Reigns led the way through the castle making sure to take a few extraneous turns along the way. Once he reached the lower levels, he insisted that Alban put a sack over his head. From there it was only a few minutes before they were standing in the weapons vault.

“Incredible. Nine of the fable blades. Can I touch them?”

“Your fascination with the weapons that belonged to your enemies is disturbing.”

“You have to admire them. The dwarves managed to imbue weapons with energy. These weapons amplify the powers of the people wielding them. Even now, I can sense them faintly like they are living. It would be incredible if we could figure out the methods they used. There has to be more ways to do that than with the thirteen shards.”

“Thirteen? There are only twelve weapons.”

“There are. There were also only twelve Dragon Lords. The last shard disappeared when the dwarves went underground.”

“They didn’t all die off in the curse?” Reigns regretted his comment when Alban gave him one of those should have known better grimaces.

“That is a big lie that they made sure everyone was hearing before they disappeared. No, our telepaths have sensed them below the Garoche Mountains so we know that they are still around.” Alban stepped to the wall and began inspecting the weapons. He only paused for a moment at each until he got to the mace. Reigns nearly stopped him when Alban lifted it down off the wall.

“Be careful. There is only one in existence like that mace.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure. There could well be two like this. See how the patterns are beaten into these weapons. It makes for a stronger metal than engraving, not that these metals could be stronger. It is more the signature of a master weapon smith than trying to increase the quality of the forging. For some reason, when the shards are combined with this specific alloy, it retains its flexibility, but becomes incredibly hard. No one has ever been Copyright 2016 - 2024