Christmasland - Anne-Marie Meyer Page 0,56

across her chest and she was staring me down. I quirked an eyebrow at her obvious challenge but then sighed and shut the door. She wasn’t going to go anywhere until I heard her out.

I turned and leaned against a nearby rack, trying my hardest to look at ease. I took in a deep breath and then let it out. “What’s up, Scar? What did you need to talk to me about so bad that you came to my mom’s house to do it?”

Scarlet studied me, her expression stoic. I waited for her to respond, and it took a few seconds before she let out a soft laugh.

“I just can’t get that image out of my head,” she said as she flicked her hair and then reached out to fiddle with some of the complimentary soaps. “I mean, I know you like a good, hometown girl, but that chick?” She waved her hand in the direction of the living room.

I stared at her. Was she serious? That was why she wanted to talk to me, to make fun of Bea? Anger rose up inside of me. “I’m not sure why it matters who I am dating,” I said. “You broke up with me, remember? You ran off with Paolo…or whatever his name is.”


I waved her response away. “Yeah. Phillip.”

She studied me, and then her lips slowly tipped up into a smile. “I didn’t realize what I had until it was gone.” She stepped forward. “You were good to me, and I took advantage of that.”

I blinked at her response. She was just realizing this now? Well wasn’t that convenient.

My lack of response must have boosted her confidence. She moved even closer, and now she was only inches away. Her hand reached out, and before I could pull away, she rested it on my arm. The warmth of her fingertips rushed through me, but what had once elicited a flurry of emotions now did nothing.

I was dead to her touch.

And it felt…freeing.

I reached down and grabbed ahold of her hand. In one swift movement, I yanked it away. Her arm fell to her side, and her startled expression only empowered me more.

“You need to leave,” I said as I moved to grab the door handle.

Her eyes widened. “I—”

“We’re done. You wasted your time coming here. I have no interest in starting things up with you again. You and I,” I said as I flicked my finger between us, “are done.”

Her lips went from parted, to closed, to pinched in a matter of moments. I could see the fire burn in her gaze. The Scarlet I knew hated being told no. She hated coming in last. And she hated losing. At this moment, she was experiencing all three.

It was like staring at a volcano that was about to explode.

I didn’t want to be in the same room as her when that happened. So I reached out and grabbed the door handle. I turned it and stepped out, all the while keeping my gaze fixed on Scarlet.

I’d seen enough movies to know that the enemy struck from behind. If I was going to keep myself safe, it was best to keep my focus on her until I was sure I was at a safe distance.


The feeling of something beneath my foot followed by two hands on my back, stopped me in my tracks. Before I could turn to see who I’d run into, Scarlet flung herself toward me. Her arms flailed as she tossed herself against my chest. The only sane thing I could do was to wrap my arms around her and hold her to my chest.

“What the heck?” I growled as I stared down at Scarlet. She was staring up at me like I hadn’t just asked her to leave. She had this sappy smile on her lips and was batting her eyes as if she had something in them.

“I’m so sorry.” Bea’s whisper caused the hair on the back of my neck to stand up.

I straightened and turned to see her standing behind me with her eyes wide and her complexion pale. When our gazes met, she dropped hers to the ground and pinched her lips together.

Before I could utter a syllable, she turned and hurried from the hallway.

As I watched her leave, I attempted to call her back, but I couldn’t get anything out. Instead, I just stood there with my brain short-circuiting as I attempted to string together a sentence that made sense.

“Well, that was easy.”

Scarlet’s voice brought Copyright 2016 - 2024