Christmas Shopaholic - Sophie Kinsella Page 0,58

the shepherds told his sheep to hurry up or he’d wallop him.”

Luke laughs. “Well, rather Miss Lucas than me.”

He puts a coffee in front of me, picks up his own takeaway cup (bamboo, present from Jess), and kisses me. “Have fun at the Christmas fair today.”

“I will!”

I watch Luke leaving, and when he’s almost through the door I say impulsively, “Hey, Luke. You know Craig and Nadine?”

“Yes?” He turns back and I hesitate, not sure how to continue. What I really want to say is, “D’you think they want a foursome with us in their hot tub?”

But I can’t. I mean, it’s ridiculous.

“Nothing,” I say at last. “Just…It was nice hanging out with them.”

“Yes.” He nods. “It was fun. See you later.”

* * *

The Christmas Style Fair is being held at Olympia, and as I travel there I give myself a stern talking-to. I’ve been spending too much time thinking about Craig and sex parties and hot tubs. It’s all nonsense and it’s distracting me from the issue at hand, which is that I’m hosting Christmas. And it’s only a month away now. I need to focus.

On the tube, I leaf through another Christmas magazine to reassure myself—but it does the opposite. It keeps asking tricky questions I can’t answer, like, Why not make lace-printed paper chains? and Why not fill a Scandinavian dresser with festive crockery, ready to greet your guests?

I’m already googling Scandinavian dresser delivery before Xmas, before I realize that we don’t have room for a Scandinavian dresser, nor am I ever going to persuade Luke we need three life-sized stuffed reindeer to stand in front of it, like in the photo spread. I must stay down-to-earth, I tell myself firmly. Be realistic and practical and think about what I need.

And, yes, OK, I know Christmas is about family and friends—but it turns out my family and friends are quite demanding. Janice keeps asking me what my “table theme” is, and I keep dithering. Should I go Scandi? Modern metallic? Highland tartan? Every time I turn a page of a magazine and see a new photo, I think, Ooh, that looks nice, and change my mind.

Anyway, I’ve got a list, which begins Tablecloth, napkins, candles. I’ve decided I’m going to pick a theme today and stick to it. I’m not going to get distracted, and I’m not going to make pointless purchases that I don’t need. Exactly.

But oh God. As I step into the massive hall, I can’t help feeling dazzled by the sheer…festiveness. There are stalls as far as the eye can see, all decked out with decorations. There are gifts and garlands and baubles and puddings, and already people are milling everywhere with a contagious sense of urgency. I text Janice to say, Let’s meet in row A, then plunge into the mêlée, feeling breathless with excitement.

It’s all very well, focusing on what you need. But sometimes you don’t know what you need until you see it right in front of you. I mean, look at that stall with festive aprons! They’re made from rustic linen with adorable printed motifs like holly leaves and robins. I have to get a whole family set. Surely we’ll host Christmas better if we have matching festive aprons?

I spend a bit of time looking at all the different designs before I decide on holly for me, robins for Minnie, and Christmas puddings for Luke. There’s a discount if you buy three, which is even better, and as I walk away with my linen tote, I feel a spring in my step. I’ve begun!

The next stall is selling tiered mince-pie display stands made out of recycled vintage crockery. I didn’t know I needed one of those either, but I definitely do.

“Shall I send that to the collection area?” asks the stallholder as I pay, and I beam at him.

“Yes, please!”

This is even better. I don’t have to lug the bloody thing around with me. I love this place.

As I’m taking my collection ticket, I glimpse Janice in the crowd and wave frantically at her.

“Becky!” She comes hurrying up, wearing a belted coat with a fur collar, which I know used to be Mum’s, and a new virulent mauve lipstick.

“Janice!” I exclaim, kissing her. “Isn’t this fab? Have you bought anything yet?”

“Yes!” She brandishes her tote at me. “Edible gold dust and chocolate-dipped orange peel. And I’ve seen a marvelous wreath made of red jingle bells.”

Ooh. Should red jingle bells be my theme? I’m about to ask Janice Copyright 2016 - 2024