Christmas Shopaholic - Sophie Kinsella Page 0,47

did you get all that information about sprygge from?”

I open my mouth to tell her that I made it up—then stop. I can see a glimpse of leather jacket through the doorway. Is that…

Yes. It’s him. Craig. Wow. I didn’t expect him back so soon.

I mean, not that I was expecting him. I just…Anyway. He’s here. Before I can stop myself, I toss back my hair and lean nonchalantly against a counter with a cool kind of gaze.

“What are you doing, Bex?” says Suze in surprise, and turns to follow my gaze. “Oh. Oh!” She suddenly swivels to look at me and says, “Oh,” in a completely different voice. Her gaze slowly runs from my blue-streaked hair down to my edgy boots. “Oh,” she says a fourth time, with heavy emphasis. “Ohhh.”

Honestly. Can’t she stop saying “oh”?

“What?” I say, trying not to sound defensive.

“You’re looking pretty rock chick today, aren’t you?” Suze is still studying me beadily. “I wondered what you were doing.”

“Rock chick?” I try to sound baffled at the suggestion. “Honestly, Suze. I’m just wearing…you know. My normal look.”

“Normal?” scoffs Suze. “You’re calling those boots normal? And your blue streak?” She lowers her voice. “You’re trying to look cool for the rock god.”

“No, I’m not!” I retort in a furious undertone. “Anyway, so are you!” I add, as I notice Suze quickly pulling her scrunchie out of her hair and smoothing it down. “And shh! He’s coming! Oh, hi,” I say carelessly as Craig ambles into earshot. “How was Warsaw? How was Blink Rage? How was the scene?”

“It was good,” says Craig in his lazy, raspy voice. “You should have come, Becky.”

“Warsaw?” says Suze. “I didn’t know you were going to Warsaw. How did you know that, Bex?”

“Becky and I bumped into each other at the station the other night,” says Craig easily.

“Oh, did you?” says Suze, her eyebrows shooting up. “Imagine that.”

“The cottage is awesome,” says Craig, turning his dark gaze on her. “The hot tub’s in. I never want to leave.”

“Wow,” says Suze, going a bit pink. “I’m so pleased you like it.”

“Love it,” he says emphatically. “Love. It.” Then he looks at me again, with that intense dark gaze.

“So, Becky, we should have a drink sometime. Sink some tequila shots!”

“Oh, right!” I swallow, trying to sound nonchalant. “Yes! Tequila shots! Definitely.”

“We could meet at the Lamb and Flag? Take it from there? Bring your husband,” he adds easily. “I’d love to meet him. Are you free tonight?”

“Er, yes,” I say, a bit flustered. “At least, I’d need babysitting….”

“I’ll do it if you like,” says Suze, shooting me a sardonic look. “I can pick Minnie up when I come to get the statues. You go out partying.”

“Great.” Craig’s eyes crease in a smile. “Say…seven o’clock?”


“See you then, Becky.” He puts his hand on my arm and squeezes briefly, then his gaze moves downward. “Nice boots,” he adds with a wink.

And then he’s off, loping unhurriedly out of the shop. As I watch him go, I suddenly realize I’m holding my breath. I’m pretty sure Suze is too.

“Oh my God,” says Suze, as soon as the door has closed behind him, and she wheels round to me. “What was that?”

“What do you mean?” I reply defensively.

“That!” She whirls her hands expressively. “All those sizzling looks!”

“There weren’t any sizzling looks!”

“Yes, there were! You totally melted under his gaze.”

“Well, so did you,” I retort, and Suze looks abashed.

“OK, maybe I did a bit,” she admits. “But that doesn’t matter, because he’s not interested in me. He’s not asking me out for dates at the pub.”

“It’s not a date.” I roll my eyes disparagingly. “And he’s not interested in me.”

“What was that hand on your arm, then?” demands Suze. “There was definitely sexual tension. I saw it.”

I feel a tiny flash of pride before I can stop it. Which is not because I’m interested in Craig. Of course not. It’s just, if your old mediocre-looking boyfriend unexpectedly turns into a rock god, it’s quite flattering if he still…you know.

I mean, I’m only human.

“Have you told Luke about Craig?” Suze demands.


I pause in my own thoughts. I haven’t, actually. That’s strange. Why haven’t I?

I rack my brain, trying to work it out. It hasn’t come up, I suppose. But there’s nothing sinister about it. I’m not hiding anything. It’s just that we’re a busy couple and we don’t tell each other every single thing, every single day.

If I admit any of this to Suze, though, she’ll overreact. She’ll Copyright 2016 - 2024