Christmas Shopaholic - Sophie Kinsella Page 0,122

“Oh my God, Bex, are you sure?”

“Of course! Put it on! Let me see!”

“Maybe you should sort it all out after lunch,” says Luke hurriedly. “Or…after Christmas, even. Is it lunchtime perhaps? Shall we do the rest of the presents later?”

“Yes,” I say reluctantly, putting back a feather boa. “Or, actually…no!” I sit up, struck by an idea. “I think Jess and Tom should give out their presents before lunch. Are you still giving us all words?” I say curiously to Jess.

“Yes,” says Jess, flushing faintly. “We have a word for each of you.”

I can’t wait to hear these words. I’ve never been given a word before in my life.

“Well…fab,” I say. “Bring it on.”

Jess and Tom stand up and walk over to Dad, who says, “Me?” and laughs nervously—then lapses into silence under the steady gaze of Tom and Jess. They look at him quietly for a few more moments, and I start to feel prickly. This is quite magical. As I glance around the room, I think everyone feels the same way—kind of overawed and wondering what’s going to happen next. It’s as though we’re at some special ceremony all of a sudden.

At last, Tom says seriously, “Graham, we would like to give you the word…‘Wise.’ ”

“Goodness,” says Dad, looking taken aback. “Well…thank you. Thank you very much!”

As if they’ve practiced this (which they probably have), Tom and Jess move in sync toward Clemmie and give her the same grave look.

“Clemmie,” says Jess softly, “we would like to give you the word ‘Nightingale.’ ”

Nightingale! That’s genius, because Clemmie has actually got a lovely singing voice.

“Thank you,” says Clemmie, looking a bit nonplussed, then Tom and Jess move to Tarkie.

“Tarquin,” says Tom, “we would like to give you the word ‘Dynamic.’ ”

That’s really clever for Tarkie, too, because I can see how chuffed he is. And now they’re heading toward me, their faces intent—and in spite of myself I feel a giant spasm of nerves. Please not “Overdraft.” Or “Flaky.”

“Becky,” says Jess seriously, “we would like to give you the word ‘Joy.’ ”

Joy? I got joy? I feel ridiculously pleased and shoot a delighted smile at Luke. I got joy!

As Jess and Tom move around the room, I’m mesmerized—in fact, everyone is. Janice gets “Beauty,” which makes her pinken with pleasure. Luke gets “Integrity,” which I know will make his day. At last, everyone has received a word, and Tom and Jess face each other, with Santiago standing between them, his eyes huge.

“Tom,” says Jess, her face solemn. “I give you ‘Strength.’ ”

“Jess,” says Tom, “I give you ‘Resolute.’ ”

Then they both turn to Santiago and start doing what I guess is sign language, while he watches, wide-eyed. They finish and there’s a tiny pause before they draw breath and say gently, in unison, “Santiago. Our son. We give you ‘Cherished.’ ”

Cherished. Oh my God. My throat is all choked up, and I decide instantly that I never want anything for Christmas again except a word. Words rock. Words rule. Words are the best present ever.

* * *

As we gather around the table twenty minutes later, everyone is still a bit bowled over by their amazing words.

“My word is ‘Valiant,’ ” Ernie keeps telling everyone proudly. “It means brave. It means I’m very brave.”

“Oh, Becky!” Janice suddenly exclaims. “I nearly forgot. I’ve got another tiny thing for you. Nothing much, really, but I picked it up at the Christmas Style Fair. I meant to give it to you on the day as a thank-you, but I forgot. Quite fun, I thought.” She pops out to the hall, then hands me a little gift bag. “As I say, it’s just a tiny thing….”

I reach into the gift bag, expecting a lip gloss or something—but my hand closes over a soft object wrapped in tissue paper. I pull it out and see a flash of silver. And my heart catches.

No way, no way…

I rip off the remaining tissue—and it is! It’s the silver llama! I can’t believe it. Janice had one all the time?

“As I say, it’s not much,” Janice is saying apologetically, “but it did catch my eye….”

“Janice!” I fling my arms around her. “I love it!”

“Well!” she says, looking pleased. “Goodness. Happy Christmas, love!”

I can’t resist hurrying to the sitting room and hanging the llama on the tree that very moment. I put it right at the front, then stand back and regard it admiringly. Our entire tree is transformed!

Then I head into the kitchen, to find Luke standing motionless, staring at his Copyright 2016 - 2024