Christmas Shopaholic - Sophie Kinsella Page 0,112

as we begin to mount the stairs.


“Tom?” I echo, flabbergasted. “Tom’s here?”

“Of course he’s here. I told you he was coming home for Christmas.”

“Right,” I say hurriedly. “Of course.” But my mind is flailing. I can’t catch up.

“You’re astute, Becky,” says Jess, reaching the top of the stairs. “I have been keeping something from you. From all of you. We were so anxious not to jinx it.”

“What?” A breathless hope is growing in me that I don’t even want to articulate, just in case. “What is it, Jess? What?”

“Hi, Becky.” Tom greets me from the doorway. He’s tanned and smiling, although there are shadows under his eyes too. “Come and see.”

Oh my God…oh my God…it can’t be….

Tom leads me into the spare room, and I stop dead, tears flooding my eyes. In the double bed, fast asleep, is a child with dark curls.

“This is our new son, Santiago. We arrived late last night. Long flight.” Tom grimaces. “But worth it.”

I realize I’ve grabbed Jess’s hand without even meaning to. I can’t take my eyes off Santiago. He’s about four or five, I guess. He has long lashes and golden skin, and he’s dressed in a beige T-shirt with RECYCLED printed on the back.

“I had no idea it was so imminent,” I manage at last. “Congratulations. So many congratulations.”

I fling my arms round Jess and then Tom, and as I draw back, we’re all a bit shiny-eyed.

“We had no idea either,” says Tom. “We had almost no notice. The news came through, Jess flew straight out—”

“You’ve been to Chile and back?” I stare at Jess.

“Of course,” she says, without a flicker.

“We did the paperwork,” continues Tom, “had all the meetings that needed to be had, then got pretty much straight on a plane, and…”

“We haven’t had any sleep.”

“We don’t need sleep.” Tom puts an arm round Jess.

They both look shattered and joyful. They look exactly like parents with a new baby. How did I not realize this the minute I set foot through the door?

“So, how long have you…I mean, how did you…?” I’m floundering to even know what question I want to ask.

“We were matched a while ago, but we didn’t know when it would be finalized. And we didn’t want to tell anyone,” Jess adds a little defensively. “Not until it was definite.”

“Jess already had her lectures booked.” Tom takes over the story. “So we agreed she would go back to the UK and I’d stay, just in case there was some news before Christmas.”

“We were trying to wait patiently,” says Jess. “Wasn’t easy.”

That’s why Jess has been so tense. It wasn’t anything else. I’m an utter moron.

Also, I blame Suze. She totally encouraged me in the whole khaki-hot-pants theory.

“Jess, I’m so sorry,” I stutter. “I know I slightly got the wrong end of the stick….”

“Did you think I was having an affair or Jess was having an affair?” asks Tom wryly. “We weren’t quite clear.”

He meets eyes with Jess, and she rolls hers expressively. Oh God, this is mortifying. Partly because Jess and Tom look more in sync and in love with each other than I’ve ever seen them.

“What did Janice and Martin say?” I hastily change the subject. “They must be overjoyed.”

“They don’t know yet,” says Jess after glancing at Tom. “They went out first thing before we could catch them, and we didn’t want to tell them by phone. So…you’re the first person to meet Santiago, Becky.”

“I’m the first?” My throat is suddenly thick. “Well…I’m honored.”

I put out a hand and touch one of Santiago’s curls, not wanting to wake him but unable to resist.

“Welcome, Santiago,” I say softly.

“He can’t hear,” says Jess matter-of-factly. “He’s profoundly deaf.”

“Oh,” I say, halted. “Right. I see. Well…we’ll learn sign language, then. We’ll teach him. We’ll do everything he needs. Just let me know what I can do.”

As I stand up, I’m blinking hard, because a moment ago I didn’t even know Santiago existed, but now I’m determined to smooth his path for him, throughout his life, whatever it takes.

“It’s wonderful.” I gaze at Jess and Tom. “I’m so happy for you. And just in time for Christmas,” I add with a sentimental sigh. “That makes it so much more special.”

“I disagree,” says Jess calmly. “It would have been equally special on any other day of the year.”

I bite my lip, trying not to laugh. That’s so Jess. And she’s right, of course she is. But I think I’m a bit right too.


Suze & Bex


Becky!!! Copyright 2016 - 2024