Christmas at the Little Waffle Shack - Helen J. Rolfe Page 0,19

as a sweetener. He stepped closer to the bar again and pulled out his wallet the moment Etna moved away with her drink and Nola turned to serve another customer. But a voice stopped him and this time it was Barney. He supposed it was only a matter of time before they came face to face – himself and the man who was the local favourite and who had been in his brother’s life more than he had. Barney must be in his seventies now by Daniel’s estimation, was of average height, with silver, almost white, hair. Daniel only hoped the colour in the cheeks of his fair skin had more to do with the warm temperature inside the pub than frustration at seeing a blast from the past.

‘I didn’t know you were back in town, Daniel.’ Barney put down his pint and shook hands with him. It was a good start. ‘Welcome home.’ He was a man who everyone knew and who knew everyone, and Daniel had history with him. A history he wasn’t proud of. One year he and a mate had gone to linger outside the big barn at Barney’s property where the Wedding Dress Ball was held every summer and as guests arrived they’d hurled abuse at them for no other reason than that they could. Barney had cautioned them to move on and in the end they got bored and did just that. But Daniel had always been embarrassed at how much of an idiot he’d been to do it in the first place.

‘Thanks, Barney. And look, before we say anything else, I want to apologise to you for the way I behaved at the ball.’ No need to pinpoint exactly what year he was talking about.

‘All forgotten about, lad.’

‘I can assure you I come in peace,’ Daniel smiled, with a hand on his chest to show his honour. ‘I’m not in any trouble these days.’

‘Glad to hear it.’

Harvey had often scooted off to Barney’s place. Daniel got it, their dad was an arsehole, but when Harvey started spending his time over at the big barn on Barney’s property, Daniel had hated being the only one at home to keep his mum company. Before too long he’d found his own ways to amuse himself, which unfortunately meant getting into trouble, and that had seemed to have a cumulative effect until it got to breaking point.

‘Your mum never mentioned you being back in the village,’ said Barney.

As usual, the man didn’t miss a trick. Not that he was a gossip – Daniel had the good sense to realise that – he was just a man who liked to keep the community well-oiled and ticking over by keeping people talking, knowing what was what. ‘I’ve not been back long. And she was sworn to secrecy, I wanted to deal with things in my own time.’

‘I understand that, believe me.’ He took out his wallet but Daniel refused his generosity and insisted he buy Barney a pint rather than the other way around.

‘Cheers.’ Daniel raised his glass and clinked it gently to Barney’s once the amber liquid was poured. Neither of them carried on their conversation while the barmaid was close by.

‘So, you’re home for Christmas,’ said Barney when she moved along to another customer.

‘I’m back for good, actually. And Harvey doesn’t know yet,’ he added, leaning an arm on the bar, both of them facing the wall lined with optics, the shelves below stuffed full with a selection of snacks from salty or dry roasted peanuts to pork scratchings and good old Walkers Crisps.


‘That’s one word for it.’

‘And you’re making your big reveal tonight?’

‘It was Benjamin’s idea,’ he said a bit louder as Benjamin brought a couple of limes out to the bar and left them on the chopping board for the staff.

Benjamin turned, grinned and waved. ‘Good to see you again, mate.’

Daniel explained their earlier reunion by the village Christmas tree. ‘I suppose tonight is as good a time as any,’ he told Barney. ‘I didn’t have the guts to do it before, and perhaps part of me hopes Harvey will be more likely to go easy on me in front of a crowd.’

‘He’s here already, you know.’

Daniel’s insides plummeted. Even though he’d had a suspicion Harvey would show, knowing it for sure was another thing entirely. ‘The quiz was always his thing.’ He could remember Harvey heading out from the family home to meet Melissa, or coming back afterwards and telling their mum how he Copyright 2016 - 2024