Christmas at Holiday House - RaeAnne Thayne Page 0,106

growing up in Honduras. After dinner, they all worked together to clean up and then played Christmas charades and what was apparently a Lancaster tradition—Christmas bingo—with silly prizes that had everyone laughing.

Through it all, Ethan seemed to be avoiding her. He seemed on edge, in a strange mood Abby couldn’t interpret.

After a delicious dessert Sofia had brought, a cake filled with dulce de leche, Winnie announced it was time for church.

They went to an evening service where Eli Shepherd spoke about finding faith and joy amid the inevitable hardships of life. Children of Silver Bells then gave a lovely Christmas pageant.

“That’s my friend Dakota!” Christopher said in a loud whisper as a familiar-looking sheep walked past, giving him a surreptitious wave.

She felt ridiculously close to tears, for reasons she couldn’t have explained, as Ethan drove her, Winnie and Christopher back to the house.

They took the long way so that Christopher could look at all the festive lights in town one more time. By the time Ethan drove up to Holiday House, her son was drooping in his booster seat, the excitement and anticipation of the day finally taking a toll.

“I can carry him,” Ethan offered.

He scooped up her son, who immediately wrapped his arms around Ethan’s neck and held on tight.

Abby wanted to do the same. Those tears burned again but she blinked them away, not wanting to ruin the peace of the evening by giving in to her sadness about the pain she knew hovered around the corner.

“I have to put out the cookies for Santa,” Christopher said. “I can’t forget.”

He quickly put the cookies on a plate and took the cup of milk she poured to the table near the tree in the great room.

“Can I have a story?” Christopher asked.

“You do know Santa can’t come unless you’re asleep,” Winnie said.

“A short one,” he countered.

“I wouldn’t mind a story,” Winnie said. “How about The Night Before Christmas?”

Abby sighed. She didn’t want the evening to end, either. “Pajamas first, then a story.”

By the time he had changed into his red-striped footie pajamas, Christopher had found a second wind. She knew from experience it wouldn’t last long. When he crashed he was going to hit hard.

They returned to the great room where they found Winnie sitting on the sofa with her corgis snuggled around her. Ethan sat in a chair by the fire, his expression unreadable.

They took turns reading The Night Before Christmas, to Christopher’s rapt attention. When it was over, he gave a happy sigh.

“And to all a good night,” he repeated softly, which made Winnie smile.

“Okay. Bed now, honey.”

He nodded, too tired to argue. Christopher went to Winnie, working his way through the corgis to hug her.

“Good night, darling. Merry Christmas,” she said.

Next, Christopher went to Ethan and threw his arms around his neck. “Merry Christmas, Ethan. I love you.”

His words seemed to pierce what was left of Abby’s control, and one of those tears that she had been fighting all evening spilled over.

Yes. Her son loved Ethan. And so did she. Somehow he had become so dear to her over this wonderful holiday season in Silver Bells. How would she ever be able to walk away from this place to build a new life in Texas, when all the people she loved were right here?

She wouldn’t steal the joy and wonder of Christmas by worrying about that yet. She had another thirty-six hours to savor this season here at Holiday House.

As she expected, Christopher fell asleep quickly, almost before she pulled the blankets up to his chin. She was tired, too, but knew she couldn’t sleep yet. She still had to put the gifts she had bought him under the tree.

When she walked into the great room, arms laden with gifts, the room was lit only by the fire in the hearth and the gleaming lights on the tree.

Ethan still sat in the chair by the fire. Her heartbeat seemed to accelerate, especially when she realized he was alone.

“Where’s Winnie?” she asked.

“She said she and the corgis were going to watch the BBC comedy Christmas special that she watches every year, and then she was going to sleep. Lucy texted that she was going to José’s and we’re not to wait up. Apparently they have Christmas gifts to exchange.”

Was that why he seemed so tense? Did he have a problem with the new relationship between his sister and his good friend? She didn’t think that could be it. Ethan adored Lucy and would want her to be Copyright 2016 - 2024