A Christmas Bride - By Susan Mallery Page 0,47

How dare Kayleen think she could simply walk away without speaking to him.

He took out his anger on the bottle of Chardonnay he’d chosen for their dinner, jerking out the cork with more force than necessary.

Did Kayleen think it was acceptable to leave the girls so soon after bringing them to the palace? Did she think they could bear another upheaval in their lives? What about him? Was he to raise them on his own?

He didn’t know what annoyed him more—the fact that she’d been making plans without consulting him or the reality that she’d been considering leaving in the first place. Not that he personally cared if she went. His outrage was all for the girls, and perhaps for the violation of her position. She was the nanny. She reported to him.

Apparently she was not impressed enough with his position and power. Obviously he needed to show her what it meant to deal with someone in the royal family.

He poured himself a glass of wine and drank it down. Even more annoying was her desire to cut herself off from the world. She did not belong in drab clothes, teaching at a convent school. What would happen to her there? Her bright spirit and fresh beauty would wither and die. She would grow old before her time.

It was up to him to change that. As her employer, he had a duty to protect Kayleen, even from herself. He knew best. At least here, in the palace, she would live her life. So how to convince her that she must stay, must serve him and be nanny to the girls?

He could order her, he thought as he poured a second glass of wine, then dismissed the idea as quickly as it formed. It pained him to admit the truth, but Kayleen was not one to take orders well, even from a prince. So he must convince her another way. He must make her see that there was more to her future than the high walls of a convent school. That there was much she would miss.

It would be one thing if she wanted to leave to live, he told himself. Perhaps to marry, although the idea of her with another man was irritating. Who would be good enough for her? Who would be patient with the unexpected virgin? Who would teach her the—

The thought formed. A solution. Perhaps unorthodox, but workable. He considered the possibilities and knew that it would be successful. A sacrifice, he thought, but not a hardship.

In time, she would thank him.

* * *

KAYLEEN WALKED INTO As’ad’s rooms with her mind still on her work. She’d been making a lot of progress on the report he’d requested and had found out a lot of interesting information about the various reasons why some villages sent a lot of young women to college and some didn’t. She wanted to discuss it all over dinner after they—

She paused, noting the room was especially dark, which didn’t make sense. There had been lights in the corridor. Had she accidentally gone into the wrong room?

She reached for a switch on the wall, only to have all the lights come on, the three girls jump out from behind furniture and yell, “Surprise!”

Kayleen took a step back. “What are you up to? What’s the surprise?”

And then she saw the paper turkeys covering every surface in the room. The festive fall garland, the leaves decorating the perfectly set table.

“It’s Thanksgiving,” Pepper said, rushing up and grabbing her hand. “We’re having a real Thanksgiving dinner.”

As’ad appeared. “The kitchen staff have done their best. They have never had a Thanksgiving dinner, so they apologize in advance if they didn’t get everything exactly as you would have it.”

Thanksgiving? Here? She’d willed herself not to think about the holiday, but it had been difficult and much of the day she’d felt sad. To walk into this was more than she could have imagined.

Dana and Nadine moved next to her. Kayleen crouched down to hug all three girls. Still holding them close, she looked up at As’ad.

“Thank you,” she said, delighted by the surprise and feeling oddly emotional. “You’re very thoughtful.”

“I cannot take all the credit. Lina reminded me of the holiday and the girls helped with the preparations. Are you pleased?”

She rose and smiled at him. “Very. Thank you.”

She’d never expected the gesture. As’ad wasn’t who or what she’d expected. There was a kindness in him, a caring and sensitivity she hadn’t thought possible. He was the classic handsome

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