Chosen - Kiersten White Page 0,70

the list.” It was about Artemis and me, how one of us would break the world and one of us would heal it. But we already stopped the hellmouth from being formed.

“It doesn’t quite line up,” Rhys says.


“The details of the prophecy and what you did. For example, Artemis had very little to do with stopping Eve’s hellmouth.”

“Yeah, but I lost my powers because I protected Artemis, so that led to the breaking part. And then the healing, when I plugged up the hellmouth with the remora demon.”

The noise Rhys makes is one I’m deeply familiar with: a low hum of that’s not right, but I don’t want to fight, so I’m not going to correct you. I’ve heard it many, many times during our years of studying together.

My mother has her Watcher face on. She’s perfectly calm and collected while delivering brutally upsetting information. “We thought it best to make certain we aren’t overlooking anything vital.”

I throw my hands in the air. “We don’t have time for an apocalypse. It’s going to have to reschedule for another month when I’m not trying to settle in three new Slayers and keep an eye on Sean and whatever his new minion associates are up to. Maybe pencil an apocalypse in for May. It seems like a nice spring activity.”

“No one said anything about an apocalypse,” my mother says, her mouth twitching with the hint of a smile. “But I do agree that spring is a nice season for apocalypses to be triggered. Come to think of it, most of the near-apocalypses in recent memory have happened in May.” She frowns thoughtfully. “I wonder why that is.”

I shrug. “Like seasonal allergies. The earth trying to sneeze itself out of existence. Anyway, the Slayers have been slotted into our plans and chore rotation. Arcturius is low priority.” I want him to be. I need him to be. I can’t worry about another thing. “Have you been looking into cambions so you can help Leo?”

Rhys glares at me. “We’re worrying about Leo. You don’t need to.”

“Come on, Nina.” My mother stands and gestures for me to follow her out of the library. As soon as we’re in the hall, she stops and turns to me. “I change my mind. I think you should talk to Leo.”


“Leo is important to you. He always has been. And with Artemis—well. I never spoke to her when I should, and she left. I’ve been very guilty of letting people I care about slip away because I was angry, or because I was scared. I won’t see you repeat my mistakes. Go talk to Leo.”


She smiles. It’s sad, but strong. It’s exactly who she is. “I would give anything for another chance to speak to the love of my life. Which I’m not saying Leo is—you’re much too young to settle into a love for your entire life just yet—but you never know what will happen. Don’t let words go unsaid. That’s what Watchers do, and you’re not a Watcher.” She puts her hand on my cheek. It doesn’t feel like Esther’s hand. It’s colder, not as natural a fit. But I appreciate it all the more for the effort it takes my mother to think of a comforting gesture and then do it.

“Okay, okay,” I grumble, but I smile at her. “The pantries?”

“How did you know?”

“Pretty obvious. It’s where I’d hide something from me too.”

She scowls. “Well, I suppose it doesn’t matter. Go ahead.”

I hurry to the kitchen and then pause outside the pantry rooms, taking a deep breath. Time to talk to my not-dead not-boyfriend.


“ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THIS, Moon?” Honora is leaning close to the mirror, applying her eyeliner with a steady hand. It’s fascinating to watch Honora work with fingernail polish and makeup as efficiently as she checks and loads her weapons.

Artemis sets down her phone. It feels like a bomb. She just hasn’t detonated it yet. “I’m sure. We’ll do the least damage possible. But it has to be done.”

“Does it?”

Artemis sighs and looks at the gun she’s loading very, very carefully. “If we don’t do it, someone else will. If it isn’t today for this demon, it’ll be next week for another one. It’s only a matter of time. At least this way, we can save them from themselves. We won’t kill anyone. We won’t even hurt them, if we can avoid it.”

“I’ve fought your sister before. She’s not going to be careful not to hurt me.”

“I know.” Artemis hates how much Nina Copyright 2016 - 2024