The Choice of Magic - Michael G. Manning Page 0,66

That in itself was unusual; few riders would choose to leave the more-traveled roads and paths. As Will watched, the man took an oiled leather skin out of one of the saddlebags and unrolled it. Inside was a strange metal instrument he didn’t recognize, but what caught his attention was the fact that he could see flows of turyn moving around the device.

What is that? thought Will, instantly curious. Turning his focus to the man’s face, he studied his features, memorizing them the best he could. The rider was definitely a stranger. Will knew everyone that lived in Barrowden, as well as most of the usual traders that visited from time to time. Of course, he hadn’t spent much time in the village over the past few years, so it was entirely possible the man was a new trader, or even a new resident, but Will didn’t think that was the case. A trader wouldn’t be on a horse, alone.

After a moment, the man packed his device away, carefully rolling it back up and returning it to the saddlebag. Whatever it was, it was obviously important to him. Leading his horse once more, Will followed behind him, confident that the noise of the horse and a little distance would be enough to hide his presence. He was wrong.

Just a few minutes after he began shadowing the stranger, he stepped on a particularly thick dead limb. Despite looking sturdy, it snapped, and the sound was loud enough that the stranger stopped and looked back. Will froze, then gave the man a hesitant smile.

“Hello!” called the stranger in a friendly manner. “Do you live around here?”

Embarrassed at being caught, Will hoped his cheeks weren’t red as he tried to act nonchalant. “Yes, sir, in Barrowden.”

“Excellent,” said the man, seeming pleased. “Perhaps you can help me. Am I heading in the right direction? I left the road a while back thinking I could shorten my trip, and I’ve been regretting it ever since.”

“It’s not far,” said Will. “If you keep heading in this direction, although it’s a difficult path for a horse.” Curious, he added, “Where are you from?”

“Branscombe,” said the newcomer without hesitation. “I thought I’d see if I could find a farrier in Barrowden to re-shoe my horse.”

The story didn’t ring true. Having spent considerable time around his uncle, Will knew that Branscombe had a blacksmith as well as a farrier. That was where his uncle bought the metal fittings he needed, since Barrowden had neither. Anyone from Branscombe should have known as much. “You’re out of luck, then,” said Will. “We don’t have a farrier. You’ll have to keep traveling and see if the next village has one. Closer to Cerria you’ll probably find one.”

“Damn the luck,” said the man, then he stuck out his hand. “Gavin Kern. Nice to meet you.”

Suspicious, but not willing to show it, Will took the proffered hand, shaking it vigorously. “Will Cartwright.”

“Cartwright, huh?” replied Gavin. “Your family in the business?”

“My uncle is.”

“Is he handy with horses? I still have the shoe my horse threw. Maybe he can put it back on for me and save me the trouble. I don’t think it will need an actual farrier,” said the stranger.

Will nodded. “I can ask him.”

The man gestured to the trail. “Go ahead. Let him know I’m coming. I’m sure you can get there a lot faster if you aren’t waiting on me.”

“Sure thing,” said Will, flashing a smile. Moving around the man and his horse, he darted down the trail and broke into a jog. He ran the rest of the way to his uncle’s house.

When he arrived, he ran into his aunt first. She had a large basket of washing in her arms, but she called out as soon as she spotted him, “Will! It’s been too long since you came to see us.”

Breathless, he took several deep breaths before answering, “Aunt Doreen. I just met a stranger in the woods on my way here.”

His aunt frowned. “In the Glenwood? That’s unusual. Why wasn’t he on the road?”

“He said he was taking a shortcut, but his story didn’t make sense,” said Will.

“Come inside and tell us about it. Your uncle will want to hear this too,” she replied, before leading the way to the house.

Once inside, he greeted Eric and Sammy, and within minutes most of the family had gathered to hear his tale. He related what the stranger had told him word for word, and everyone frowned at the story.

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