The Choice of Magic - Michael G. Manning Page 0,48

sounded exciting. “I’ll be all right,” he assured the old man.

Arrogan stared after him for several minutes after he left, then he went inside and got his travel boots and staff. As he stepped off the porch and started in the direction of Will’s house, he spotted the goddamned cat. “I should have known you’d show up today,” he told the feline.

The grey feline stretched and then sat up straight, fixing Arrogan with a serious stare.

“Don’t worry, I’m not planning on starting anything,” said the old man. “I’ve left that crap in the past, where it belongs.”

The cat yawned, then stared up at him, closing its eyes slowly before reopening them.

“Trust me,” said Arrogan. “I just want to observe.”

The goddamned cat sneezed before walking away, seeming to have lost interest in the old man’s conversation. Arrogan shook his head and started walking. As he went he muttered to himself, “But if that pompous prick tries to take the boy, I won’t hesitate to start a war.”


Will and Eric made good time through the woods on their way to Will’s house, keeping their pace somewhere between a trot and a jog. When they got close, Will stopped and put a hand on his cousin’s shoulder. “You should stay here.”

“I want to see what happens,” protested Eric.

“The man’s a sorcerer,” reminded Will. “If he’s mad about something, or if something goes wrong, I’d rather you weren’t there. It’s bad enough that he’s in the house with Mom.”

“I’d like to see him try!” declared Eric, lifting one fist and shaking it defiantly. “I’d show him what the Cartwrights are made of.”

Will couldn’t help but be impressed by his cousin’s loyalty, as well as a little envious as he saw the corded muscles of Eric’s forearm. Even with his new staff practice, he doubted he’d ever develop that much muscle. Still, Will vividly remembered all the times his grandfather had rendered him completely helpless without so much as a word. If Arrogan could do that, how much could a powerful sorcerer do? “Please stay here, Eric,” he said. “Neither of us can fight magic, and he’ll have guards as well. I’d rather not risk anyone I don’t have to.”

Eric chewed his lip unhappily, but eventually he agreed. “All right. But if anything happens, I’ll run and get Dad.”

“If it comes to that, just run,” said Will. He hugged his cousin briefly, then started through the underbrush. It was only twenty more yards to his house.

As before, the gilded carriage was parked in front and a well-dressed driver stood beside it. The footman stood guard at the door to his house. Squaring his shoulders, Will walked forward.

“Who might you be?” asked the driver.

Will wasn’t sure if it was the same man that had whipped him two years before, but he turned his head to bring the scar on his cheek into view. “Will Cartwright,” he answered. “I was told that Lord Nerrow wanted to see me.”

The footman opened the door to the house and peeked inside. “The boy is here, milord.” A man’s voice responded, and then the servant looked back at Will. “You can go in.”

It’s my home, you asshole, thought Will, but he kept his words to himself. He was surprised by the number of people inside when he stepped in. The main room of his home served as both a kitchen and Erisa Cartwright’s main place of business, so aside from the hearth there was a table with four chairs. The shelves around the sides of the room were crammed with dried herbs, and a variety of bottles and jars of ointment.

Erisa’s favorite chair was occupied by an arrogant-looking man clad in orange and gold—the same one who had visited two years ago. Lord Nerrow had dirty blond hair, brown eyes, and a long, sharp nose that hung over a thin mustache. Seeing him in his mother’s chair didn’t do anything to improve Will’s opinion of him.

Two of the other chairs were occupied by two young women, or more accurately, girls. The first looked to be close to Sammy’s age, with brown hair and eyes. Will thought she must be the same one he had once seen escaping from the carriage, the one he had saved from the snake. He had no doubt about the identity of the other, older girl, whose raven black hair and startling blue eyes had caught his attention immediately. Her name was Selene. At a guess, he figured she was near to his own age.

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