Wild Things(3)

A dozen vampires jumped to their feet.


"I'll be traveling to the Breckenridge estate," Ethan announced. "Cadogan vampires do not run. We do not hide. We do not scurry into the dark. We face our problems—head-on. But this House has been through much of late. I have been asked, for the sake of the House, to consider making myself scarce. I have agreed to do so—as a temporary measure."


The tension in my chest eased, but not by much. He clearly wasn't thrilled with the plan.


"In the meantime, we'll try to put this ugly business to bed. The House's lawyers will address the warrant. Malik has a friend in the governor's office, and he'll reach out to determine if the governor can encourage Mayor Kowalcyzk to act reasonably."


That was news to me, but then again, Malik was the quiet sort. And I didn't think he was the type to call in a political favor unless absolutely necessary.


"You'll take Merit to the Brecks'?" Lindsey asked.


"Assuming she can fit it into her schedule," he said.


Drama or not, there was always time for snark in Cadogan House.


"I'll manage," I assured him, "although I hate to leave my grandfather here."


My grandfather was Chicago's former supernatural liaison—emphasis on the "former"—but he and his employees, Catcher Bell and Jeff Christopher, still helped the CPD with supernatural issues. Because he'd helped us investigate the riots, McKetrick had targeted him. Grandpa's house had been firebombed, and he'd been caught in the explosion. He was recovering, but he was still in the hospital. He'd been more of a father to me than my actual father, and although he had people to protect him, I felt guilty leaving while he was out of service.


"I'll check in on him," Luc promised. "Give you updates."


"In that case," Ethan said, "we'll leave shortly. Malik has the House. And as you know, he makes a very capable Master when I'm . . . indisposed."


There were appreciative chuckles in the crowd. It wasn't Malik's first rodeo as Master; he'd held the job when Ethan hadn't been among the living.


"I will be honest. This may not work. We are betting that Diane Kowalcyzk is politically ambitious enough to not cross the Breckenridge family. That gambit could prove incorrect. Either way, our relationship with the city of Chicago could get worse before it gets better. But we are, and we will remain, Cadogan vampires."


He arched an eyebrow, a habit he used frequently and usually with good effect. "Of course, those Cadogan vampires should be at work right now, not eavesdropping outside their Master's office."