House Rules(3)

Yes, we were finally having a mixer.

The party would provide an opportunity to ease Cadogan vampires' concerns about the Rogues - who they were and what we were about to become - and let the Rogues get to know us, too.

Luc offered a sarcastic laugh. "It's Cadogan House, and Merit is our social chair. I'm thinking this is a recipe for disaster." Luc, much like Ethan, enjoyed riling me up.

"Har, har," I flatly said, waiting while Ethan slipped into his suit jacket. "If it is, serves Ethan right for making me social chair."

"You did attack him for changing you into a vampire," Luc pointed out.

"Only because he didn't do it very well."

"I reject the notion I am capable of doing anything 'not well,'" Ethan offered.

"So modest, our Liege," Luc said.

Luc called Ethan "Liege" even though Ethan wasn't technically Master of the House anymore. That honor fell to Malik, the vampire who'd taken over during Ethan's brief demise. Now that Ethan was back, even though we hadn't made any official changes, everybody acted like the old guard was in charge again - Ethan as Master, Malik as Second, Luc as Guard Captain. It was simply easier than treating twice as many vampires as senior staff members, or figuring out what to call them. Ethan certainly didn't object to playing Master, and the others didn't seem to mind giving up their promotions.

"In any event," Luc said, "sorry to interrupt."

"No, you weren't," I challenged.

"No, I wasn't." He patted my back collegially. "It's entertaining to see you flustered. So very human. Reminders like that keep a girl grounded."

"She's plenty grounded," Ethan said, joining us in the doorway. "And not just because I knock her off her feet every time we train."

"Only in your dreams, Sullivan." Ethan had undertaken to help me with my training as Sentinel. With four hundred years of experience under his belt, he usually bested me. But not always, I thought with a grin. I'd surprised him a time or two, and those victories were particularly sweet.

"My dreams are much more interesting than that, Sentinel."

Luc swept an arm toward the hallway. "Your guests are arriving soon, and I am plenty disturbed and have no desire to learn more about those dreams, so let's be on our way, shall we?"

Ethan made a sarcastic noise. "Lucas, I rue the day I promoted you."

"Probably so, boss. Probably so. You do wonders for his sense of humor," Luc said to me.

"Funny, I wasn't aware he had one."

"And now it's two against one," Ethan said. "God willing, our guests are more generous."

Luc chuckled. "As much barbecue as we're piling up outside, they should be."

It didn't surprise either of them that I hoofed it down the hallway at the mention of barbecue. But this time, I wasn't just hurrying because of the smoked meats.

It was the supplier I was looking for.

* * *

The House's main hallway led through the first floor to the cafeteria and the door to the backyard.

We stepped outside. The lawn - an expanse of grass that had long since yellowed - swarmed with Cadogan vampires adjusting decor and arranging chairs and tables, all of them sending excited magic into the air. The Black Keys' "Howlin' for You" echoed through outdoor speakers, the result of a special permit we'd managed to acquire from the city and the playlist Lindsey, my closest friend in the House, and I had put together for the party. Social chair duties, I figured.

Luc trotted into the yard, waving his arms at a reporter attempting to climb the fence around the House for a shot of the party. Paparazzi loved vampires and parties. The two together, I imagined, were irresistible.

But before Luc reached him, the reporter squeaked and disappeared back behind the hedge.

He'd undoubtedly been found by our hired security, Chicago's mercenary fairies. They detested humans, and wouldn't take kindly to the reporter's attempt to breach the shield around the House.

That mild drama addressed, preparations for the invited guests were well under way. I felt a jolt of guilt about having been distracted by Ethan. On the other hand, we'd been through plenty as a couple, and we took our moments together when we could find them.