House Rules(17)


I stared at the message for a moment, my heart thudding with my sudden nerves. I'd known the RG ceremony was coming, but I hadn't known precisely when. It wasn't so much the initiation that made me nervous as the commitment to the RG. My relationship with Ethan was just getting off the ground, and the House was in a precarious situation. I believed in the RG's mission - keeping an eye on the GP and the Houses - now more than ever. But that didn't make me feel any more comforted about making my ties official and unbreakable.

"Trouble?" Ethan asked, sparing me a glance.

"Nothing I can't handle," I said, tucking the phone away again. I hoped it was true.

One crisis at a time, I told myself.

I told myself that a lot. Unfortunately, our world rarely worked that way.

* * *

Cadogan House had three aboveground floors, all equally posh and full of expensive furniture and lush decor. Ethan's apartments - we shared them, but they bore his stamp - were on the third floor.

We met Malik on the stairs, also on his way to bed, and exchanged updates about our evenings. We filled him in on our visit to the alley; he reported on the party.

"Two thumbs up for the catering," he said, "and everyone seemed friendly enough. But your absence was noted. The mood deflated a bit when you left."

"I was afraid of that," Ethan said. "Two families throw a party and the heads of the families disappear? It doesn't read positively."

"The Rogues are aware of Oliver and Eve's possible disappearance. Some are concerned for their friends and are glad we're on board. Others are concerned Rogues will be dragged into Cadogan politics."

Ethan lifted his gaze to the ceiling, as if exhausted by the premise. "We engage in politics because it is required of us. If vampires would simply act appropriately, there'd be no need of it." He glanced at me. "We should have that embroidered on a T-shirt."

"It's not exactly catchy, but I could make that happen."

"I'm sure you could. In any event, Malik, thank you for handling it."

"Of course, Liege."

Ethan winced at the title. "Please stop calling me that. You're still officially the Master."

"Oh, I know," Malik said. "But much like Merit, I find it amusing to irritate you."

As Malik walked down the hallway and around the corner, Ethan turned his pointed gaze on me.

I shrugged innocently. "I can't help it if I'm a trendsetter."

Ethan humphed but took my hand, and we continued to the third floor and down the hallway, saying good night to the vampires we passed.

Luc was returning to Lindsey's room, which was only a few doors down from Ethan's. Given the look of adoration on his face as she opened the door for him - even though her hair was tucked into a messy bun and her face was covered with a layer of green goo - I'd say things were working out just fine between them.

"Avocado mask," she explained, before I could ask exactly what the green goo was. "It's great for the skin."

"You were making guacamole and you had extra, didn't you?"

"My girlfriend, the salad," Luc said. "Yummy."

"Keep it to yourselves," Ethan good-naturedly said, putting a hand at my back and steering me gently down the hallway. "And you don't give me that look," he said with a chuckle. "They're your friends."

"They're your guards."

"I didn't hire them for their senses of humor. That's why you're better positioned as Sentinel. Guards are expected to be obedient."

That was quite an opening. "And Sentinels aren't?" I asked with a smile. "Because if you're willing to concede that I don't fall beneath the umbrella of your authority, I can work with that."

He tucked his hand into mine. "Don't push your luck."