Biting Cold(10)

I smiled. "And the 90 bumper-to-bumper during rush hour." I looked around. Beyond the halo of the floodlight, the world was dark, and I wondered what might be hunkering around out there.



The owl hooted again, sending goose bumps up my arms.

"This place gives me the creeps. Let's get inside."

"I don't think owls feed on vampires, Sentinel."

"I'm not in the mood to take chances," I said. "And we're not long for sunrise." I gave Ethan a gentle push toward the house.

"Let's go in, sunshine."



The worn wooden porch steps creaked as we took them, and the doorbel sounded with a long, old-fashioned chime.

A moment later, a woman opened the door in a pale silk robe she'd puled tight around her chest. It looked old-fashioned, something a woman might have worn in the 1950s. Her hair was a tousled bob of briliant red waves, and her eyes were shockingly green—emeralds against her alabaster skin. In a word, she was gorgeous.

Stil muddy and bruised from the rolover, I felt mousy and awkward.

She gave me, then Ethan, an appraising look. "Can I help you?" she asked, but then filed in the blank. "You're the vampires."

"I'm Ethan Sulivan," he said, "and this is Merit."

"I'm Paige," she said. "Please, come in." The required invitation offered, Paige turned and padded down the halway in bare feet, the door open behind her.

I glanced at Ethan, intent on letting him go first, but his gaze was on the woman disappearing down the halway.

"Ethan Sulivan," I said, jealousy fluttering in my chest.

"I'm not looking at her, Sentinel," he admonished with a wink, "although I'm not blind." He pointed at the halway.

My cheeks warming, I looked back again. The wals were filed with vertical stacks of books, one beside another, packed so tightly together there was scarcely room between them. And these weren't just discount-table paperbacks. These were the old-school, leather-bound type—the kind you might see in the house of an Order archivist…or on the basement table of a rebelious sorceress. As much as I loved books, that made me nervous to step into a space ful of magical tomes.

I folowed Ethan to the sitting room at the end of the hal. It was smal but comfortable, with vintage fabrics and cottagey decor. A smal fireplace put the smel of woodsmoke in the air, which mingled with the scents of ancient paper and fragrant tea.

Paige curled up on a couch and picked up a teacup from a smal end table. "Sorry I'm a bit of a mess. She hasn't shown up yet, and I wanted a few minutes of peace and quiet. Have a seat," she said, pointing at a facing couch with a delicate teacup and saucer dotted with smal pink flowers. "Would you like some tea?"

"No, thank you," Ethan said. We took seats on the couch, bags and swords at our feet.

"You have a lot of books," he said.

"I'm an archivist," she said. "It's what I do."

"Read?" I asked.

"Learn and catalogue," she said. "I compile the history of what came before, and I record the history as it happens. And, frankly, I have a lot of time to read out here."

"This isn't quite the frontier," Ethan said.

"For humans, no. But magicaly? It's basicaly a vacuum.

Isolated, both from magic makers and supernatural populations.