Biting Bad(10)

"I'm in Wicker Park at Saul's. We just heard two really loud bangs. I can't see anything, but I can smell smoke. And I think they've got weapons. Can you get eyes on it?"

I heard a click and then the sound of frantic typing in the background. I'd been switched to speakerphone, and the noise of computers and research was audible.

"We're checking the scanners, Sentinel. You there alone?"

"I'm with Mallory. And I'm thinking I need to get her out of here."

"No argument there, Sentinel."

"Merit, it's Lindsey." Lindsey was another House guard - Luc's girlfriend and my House bestie. "CPD scanners are talking about explosions. It sounds like they suspect Molotov cocktails blew propane tanks or something."

"Who's throwing Molotov cocktails in Wicker Park?" I asked. Mallory's eyes grew wide.

Cadogan House didn't answer. I could hear the static drone of scanner feed in the background, but I couldn't distinguish the words. They must have been listening.

And still, the sound of drumming grew louder, mimicking the acceleration of my heart.

"Guys, I'm going to need something here pretty soon."

"The CPD's reporting riots," Luc said. "There's a fire a few blocks west of you, and a cabal of rioters moving east."

That explained the noise. "I think they're chanting with drums or something. I can hear them moving. What was the target?"

"Looking," Luc said. "Oh damn."


"They hit Bryant Industries."

I frowned. "I don't know what that is."

"It's the company that distributes Blood4You in Chicago. Each distributor is independently owned. They call theirs 'Bryant Industries' to keep a low profile."

In order to assimilate, most American vampires avoided drinking from humans or vampires and, instead, relied on bagged blood called "Blood4You."

What were the odds of rioters in this day and age accidentally bombing a Blood4You distribution center?

"The rioters are anti-vamp," I guessed, stomach tightening with nerves.

"That's quite possible," Luc agreed. "And, Sentinel, they're moving your way. I think now would be a good time to make a polite exit and get Mallory out of there. Little Red is closer than the House. Maybe stay there until we're sure the coast is clear?"

I glanced back at the door. "Luc, I can't just leave Saul here unprotected, not if the rioters are coming this way. What if they try to hit the restaurant?"

"They're anti-vampire, Merit. They probably don't pose a specific risk to Saul's unless they find out you're there. If they think he's harboring vamps, they might hit it on purpose. You're a danger to him if you stay."

That possibility stung, sending a sick feeling through my chest. To them, because of my biology, I was the enemy. And that meant I posed a danger to everyone around me.

"Luc - ," I began, but he cut me off.

"You can't protect Saul, Merit. Get to your car and go."

Crap. "Luc, call my grandfather. He's still got friends in the CPD. Maybe he can get a cruiser on the building."

"Good thought," he said. "I'll call him as soon as you promise to get your ass to Little Red."

"On it," I promised. I hung up the phone but took a moment to send a warning message to Jonah. It was simple and to the point: RIOTS IN WICKER PARK. BLOOD4YOU HIT. KEEP WATCH.

My phone beeped immediately, and I assumed Jonah had already responded. Instead, I found an infuriating alert that my message hadn't gone through.