Chimaera - Ian Irvine Page 0,301

swiftly,’ said Ryll. ‘We have little water left. Already our little children are suffering. In three days they’ll start to die. In five, only the hardiest will be alive. In seven days, none of us.’

‘You have been appointed leader, in defiance of all convention,’ snarled Liett with another snap of her magnificent wings. ‘You boasted of all the marvels you would do. Then lead us!’

‘What convention is that?’ Tiaan asked curiously.

‘That we be led by a revered matriarch, not an unmated, wingless monstrosity of a male.’

‘Matriarch Gyrull appointed me before she died,’ he said mildly. ‘Your own mother. You yourself told me so.’

‘She was out of her mind with pain,’ Liett said.

‘Great Anabyng confirmed her intentions. Besides, I did not boast. Matriarch asked me what I would do if I were leader, and I told her. I had no desire to be patriarch. We’ve not had one in three thousand years.’

‘So that’s how you see yourself, you unmated male dog!’ cried Liett in a passion. ‘The last patriarch was a disaster; that’s why we never took another. And you will be even worse.’

Ryll turned his back on her, saying to the others, ‘I know Tiaan and I trust her. Malien, too, I know to be a woman of honour.’

‘They’re the only two in all humanity!’ hissed Liett.

Ryll ignored her. ‘I will go through the gate, and if it leads me asunder, even to the most desperate recesses of the void, I will do all I can to lead us out again.’ His eyes shone in his fervour. ‘What about you, Liett?’

‘I will not follow any unmated male unless the vote is entirely against me.’

‘Since when do lyrinx vote?’ said Ryll mildly. ‘We do what our leaders, in their wisdom, have decided.’

‘You broke the custom,’ she snapped. ‘I demand a vote.’

Ryll’s gaze rested on each of the lyrinx, then he nodded. ‘And how do you vote?’

‘The past must not bind the future,’ said Great Anabyng. ‘I will not vote.’

The former matriarchs also declined. The other three lyrinx gave Ryll their vote. Liett did not.

‘Not just us,’ said Liett. ‘All the lyrinx must vote.’ She swept around the circle of lyrinx with one arm.

‘We are over half a million,’ Ryll said. ‘It would take days to count.’

‘So be it.’ Liett folded her arms across her breast.

‘Do you want the small children to die, and the old folk, because of this delay?’

‘In the absence of our matriarchs, I demand that convention be followed.’

‘Come with me. Look at the state of the children.’ Taking Liett’s arm, he led her away from the other lyrinx. He had to drag her for the first three steps, whereupon she cuffed him hard over the side of the head and, mollified by the display of aggression, went willingly.

As they reached the surrounding circle, Ryll’s truce-blue faded and they disappeared into the crowd. They were gone almost an hour. When they returned, Ryll said without preamble, ‘We will do it.’ He clasped Tiaan’s hand, then each of the others’. ‘But first you must break the mind-shock circle, if you can.’

‘I can,’ said Tiaan, ‘since I know how it was made. How long will it take you to get to Nithmak?’

‘We can run forty leagues in two days and nights,’ said Daodand. ‘Though, running with so little water …’

‘The children will die of thirst,’ said Tiaan.

‘Most will,’ said Liett. ‘Unless you allow us sufficient power to fly them there.’

‘We can’t, Tiaan,’ said Nish. ‘What if they break free and begin the war over?’

‘You expect us to trust you,’ cried Liett, ‘yet you do not trust us in return.’

‘That is the privilege of the victors,’ said Nish.

Malien shushed him and conferred with Tiaan for a moment, then called Irisis. ‘Is there a way to cut off the field controller on one side only?’

Irisis had to think for a minute. ‘You might do it this way, with the amplimet …’

After listening to the explanation Tiaan said, ‘It won’t work for long, but it should last long enough for them to break out. And once they’re going full speed in the dark, the mind-shockers won’t be able to encircle them again.’

‘What about us?’ said Irisis.

‘What do you mean?’

‘What if Orgestre orders the field controller directed against us?’

‘They’ll be far too busy trying to contain the enemy,’ said Malien. ‘They can’t do both.’

‘We wouldn’t see the children die,’ said Tiaan to Ryll. ‘We’ll allow you power for flight, but should anyone abuse this offer, I’ll withdraw that power while you’re flying. From all of Copyright 2016 - 2024