The Chieftain - By Margaret Mallory Page 0,4

in the strain around his eyes.

"We haven't found the man who shot those arrows," Ian said. "His tracks were washed out in the rain."

As Ilysa started around the table refilling their cups, Duncan gave her his icy warrior's stare to let her know that their earlier argument was not finished. Ilysa responded with a serene smile to let him know that it was.

"We all know Hugh is responsible for this attack," Alex said, referring to Connor's half uncle who was set on taking the chieftainship from him. "He's tried to have Connor murdered more than once."

"The MacLeods wouldn't attack us here on the Sleat Peninsula where we are strong," Ian agreed. "This was a single archer, and my guess is he was one of our own."

"We have vipers among us!" Duncan slammed his fist on the table, causing their cups to rattle.

As Ilysa refilled their cups, Ian shot her a quick, dazzling smile, and Alex winked at her. She had always been fond of Connor's cousins, though the pair had been philandering devils before they settled down to become devoted husbands. Ian and Connor had gotten their black hair from their mothers, who were sisters, while Alex had the fair hair of the Vikings who had once terrorized the isles.

"Will ye reconsider your decision to live at Trotternish Castle?" Ian asked Connor. "Up there, ye won't have us to guard your back as we did yesterday."

"Hell," Alex said. "if someone kills ye, we're likely to end up with Hugh as chieftain."

"By making Trotternish Castle my home," Connor said, "I'm sending a message to the MacLeods - and to the Crown - that I am not giving up our claim to the Trotternish Peninsula."

Connor's deep voice reverberated somewhere low in Ilysa's belly, making her hand quiver as she poured whiskey into his cup. For a moment she feared he would notice, but she needn't have worried.

"I want them to know," Connor continued, "that we will fight for the lands the MacLeods stole from us."

"A' phlaigh oirbh, a Chlanna MhicLeòid!" - a plague on the MacLeods! - the four chanted in unison and raised their cups.

Ilysa could see that she had arrived just in time with more whiskey.

"If you're intent on this," Duncan said, "I should remain as captain of your guard and go with ye."

"I need ye to protect our people here, just as I need Ian and Alex to hold our other castles," Connor said. "I'm sailing for Trotternish in the morning, so I suggest we discuss how to remove the MacLeods from our lands."

Ach, the man should let his wounds heal before leaving. Ilysa would have to watch him closely on the two-day journey.

She took her tray to the side table and stood with her back to them, pretending to be busy. Because they suspected Connor's uncle had spies in the castle, Ilysa had always served them herself when Connor's inner circle met in private. The four men were so accustomed to her coming and going that they never noticed when she stayed to listen.

"The MacLeods are a powerful clan," Ian said. "We won't defeat them without a strong ally fighting at our side."

"If ye want us to take Trotternish," Alex said, "ye should make a marriage alliance with another clan."

Ilysa tensed, though she was certain Connor would say it was not yet time, as he always did.

"Several clans have already left the rebellion, and it will end soon," Ian said. "'Tis possible now to judge which clans will have power - and which won't - when it's over."

"Ye always said that's what ye were waiting for," Alex said. "Of course, we think ye were just stalling."

"You're right," Connor said. "'Tis time for me to take a wife."

Ilysa's vision went dark, and she gripped the edge of the table to keep from falling. Concentrating to keep her feet under her, she sidestepped along the table. When she reached the end of it, she turned around and half fell onto the bench that was beside it against the wall.

From the long silence that followed Connor's announcement, the men were as surprised as she was.

"We prodded the bull by taking Trotternish Castle. Alastair MacLeod could strike back at us at any time," Connor said. "The sooner I make a marriage alliance, the better."

Soon? Ilysa took deep breaths trying to calm herself. What was wrong with her? She had known Connor would wed eventually.

"God knows, ye need a woman," Alex said. "How long has it been?"

When the others began making ribald remarks, Copyright 2016 - 2024