CHERUB: The Sleepwalker - Robert Muchamore Page 0,46

pilots reported an initial explosion near the centre of the fuselage that caused damage to the hydraulic systems and a crack in the left wing, but the million-dollar question is, what caused it? A bomb, a pressurised cylinder packed in someone’s luggage, a short in the electrical system setting fire to something? It could be any one of a hundred things.’

‘And didn’t they announce that some terrorist group was claiming responsibility?’

‘Several groups,’ Mac nodded. ‘Terrorists thrive on publicity and you can rely on several claiming responsibility whenever something like this occurs. But none of them have offered convincing evidence to back up their claims.’

‘So basically it’s like the guy said on the first morning after the crash, they’re ruling nothing in and nothing out.’

‘Exactly,’ Mac said. ‘But if terrorists were involved they could strike again. The law enforcement and the intelligence community has to treat the incident as a terror attack until the crash investigators say that it isn’t.’

Lauren was startled by a boy’s voice coming from behind. ‘Morning Dr Mac. Is she with us or not?’

She turned quickly and saw Bethany’s eleven-year-old brother Jake grabbing the plastic seat next to her.

Mac smiled. ‘I haven’t had time to fully brief Lauren on the details of the mission yet.’

‘Oh, right,’ Jake said. ‘I can go away and come back if you want.’

Mac shook his head. ‘You might as well stay. You can probably learn from Lauren’s experience.’

Lauren knew she’d eventually find herself on a mission where she was in charge of a younger agent, but she’d always imagined herself in a kindly big-sister role with a younger girl rather than on a mission with her best friend’s kid brother.

Jake could be a pain in the arse and Lauren wasn’t too impressed that he’d apparently been briefed before her – usually the more senior members of the team got briefed first. On the other hand, it was obvious that Fahim would get on better with a boy of his own age than a girl two years older. Jake was also desperate for his first proper mission, so hopefully he’d be on his best behaviour.

‘I believe you two know each other quite well,’ Mac said.

Lauren and Jake both nodded.

‘My original plan was to use Jake and Bethany,’ Mac explained. ‘But Bethany needs time to recover from her Brazilian mission and Zara and I thought that you two were the next best thing.

‘Fahim started attending a new school last week. It’s one of the worst schools in the borough of Camden and they’re short of pupils, so we’ll have no problem getting you in. With luck Fahim won’t have made any close friends yet either.

‘The mission will start off as a routine intelligence-gathering job, and if it goes well we’ll see where it takes us from there. Fahim’s father works from home, which means that if you can get inside the house, you should be able not only to search and put surveillance into Hassam Bin Hassam’s home, but also get inside his office and possibly access all his computer files. I’ll also want you to pump Fahim for information on what he knows about his parents and their possible connections with terrorist groups.’

‘Assuming he’s not an attention-seeking loony who called the hotline for kicks,’ Jake said glibly.

Lauren found Jake’s interruption annoying, but chose not to say anything. ‘Could I suggest sending in a second boy?’ she said. ‘There’s always a chance that Fahim and Jake won’t hit it off.’

Mac shook his head. ‘If the terrorist threat is real, another attack could happen at any time, so we’re going for an open approach.’

‘That means we tell Fahim who we really are,’ Jake said.

Lauren glowered at Jake and stretched out her T-shirt. ‘I know what an open approach is, Parker. See the black T-shirt? That means I know what I’m doing.’

Jake tutted as Mac slapped his hand on the desk to get their attention. He spoke firmly. ‘Jake, this is your first shot at a prestigious mission. Lauren, you’re just back after a long suspension for misbehaviour on campus. I would have thought you’d both have the common sense to get along with each other and make the best of this mission. Wouldn’t you?’

‘Yes, sir,’ Lauren and Jake both said.

‘If this mission is going to succeed I need to know right now that you’re both mature enough to put aside any petty squabbles that you might have. Is that crystal clear?’

After another round of yes sirs, Lauren posed a question. ‘Isn’t an open approach risky Copyright 2016 - 2024