CHERUB: The Fall - Robert Muchamore Page 0,49

cry, we’ll laugh. If you even think about taking a swing at us …’

Instead of finishing his sentence, Bruce placed his black gloved hands around Kevin’s neck.

‘Leave me alone,’ Kevin screamed, as Bruce pressed down on his shoulders until his knees buckled.

‘Kiss our boots,’ James said.

‘Get stuffed, queers,’ Kevin shouted defiantly.

Bruce produced a length of nylon rope from his pocket and held it in Kevin’s face. ‘If you don’t start showing me some respect, Mr Sumner, I’m gonna tie this around your ankles, hitch you into the nearest tree and leave you hanging upside down until morning.’

They knew from the file that hanging upside down was Kevin’s worst nightmare.

‘Noooooo,’ Kevin squealed, as Bruce grabbed his ankles. ‘I’ll kiss your boots.’

‘Get on with it then,’ James barked. ‘And thank me for it.’

James didn’t know what to feel as Kevin crawled pathetically through the puddle and planted his lips on the end of James’ boot. He knew exactly how miserable being bullied like this made you feel, but on the other hand, James never would have made it as a cherub if he hadn’t been through it himself.

‘Thank you,’ Kevin said, after kissing Bruce’s boots.

‘Mr Wolfman, sir,’ Bruce shouted.

‘Thank you Mr Wolfman, sir,’ Kevin said weakly. He was soaked in near freezing water and his teeth were chattering as James grabbed the back of his vest and hitched him out of the mud.

‘You need warming up,’ James barked. ‘Start running towards the basic training compound, quickly.’

Kevin tried to control his sobbing as he started running into the darkness, with James and Bruce a few paces behind him.

‘There’s only one way to get away from us, Sumner,’ Bruce said, as they ran. ‘We’re gonna be on your case until you make it across the obstacle without me or James giving you one finger of help.’

James looked angrily at Bruce. ‘Don’t use my name. I’m wolfman number one.’

Kevin looked back over his shoulder. ‘I know who you are,’ he said defiantly. ‘James Adams and Bruce Norris. I’m ten years old, I’m not a complete moron.’

Bruce ripped off his mask and scowled at James. ‘I told you the wolfman thing was stupid.’

‘I really hate red-shirts,’ James moaned as he tried to peel off his mask. ‘They’re all lippy little smart arses.’

James’ mask was stuck half on and half off. He couldn’t see where he was running and had to stop. ‘Give us a hand, Bruce.’

‘I guess that proves you’ve got a big head,’ Bruce grinned as he eased James’ mask off, but his mood changed when he realised that Kevin had cut into the trees and was out of sight.

‘Come back here you little git, or I’ll break every bone in your body,’ Bruce snarled.

They could hear Kevin’s feet splattering in the mud less than twenty metres way. Then the noise stopped.

‘He must be hiding in the trees,’ James whispered.

They fitted their lamps back on their heads before throwing the masks away; then switched off the beams before creeping into the trees.

‘I’m giving you until ten, Kevin,’ Bruce shouted. ‘We’re working for Mr Pike, so you’re gonna have to face us sooner or later. But if you come out before I reach ten, you won’t have to spend two hours hanging upside down from a tree.’

‘Get stuffed, gonad breath,’ Kevin shouted, as Bruce started to count.

Unfortunately for Kevin, James was less than three metres from where he’d shouted and made a lunge at him. Unfortunately for James, Kevin had found a thick branch, and he swung it at James as he approached. The piece of wood hit James’ knee with such force that it cracked in two.

‘You little pecker,’ James yelled, clutching his leg as Kevin sprang out of his position huddled against a tree trunk.

James managed to grab Kevin’s muddy foot as he tried to escape. The pain in James’ leg made him angry and he mercilessly crushed the small foot and twisted his ankle. As Kevin wailed in pain and crumpled on to the ground, James let go of his foot and knelt over him.

‘I could splat you like a bug, you little freak,’ James shouted.

‘Let’s tie the little bugger up,’ Bruce said enthusiastically. ‘I reckon he’ll show us more respect after a few hours dangling in the freezing cold.’

‘Please,’ Kevin sobbed, as James watched the boy’s desperate expression and fresh tears welling up in his eyes.

James realised that he absolutely hated doing this. ‘Do you want to pass basic training?’ he said, eyeballing Kevin.

‘Yes,’ Kevin sniffled.

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