CHERUB: Class A - Robert Muchamore Page 0,57

that anyway? They’re gonna set me up with a foster family and a place in a nice public school. I can have a boyfriend, chill out and lead a normal life.’
‘Don’t you get it, dumbo?’ Kerry said, tapping her head with her finger. ‘You nearly died last night.’
‘You don’t know what you’re talking about,’ Nicole said, shoving Kerry backwards.
‘Don’t dare touch me,’ Kerry said, rearing up on the balls of her feet. ‘I could kick your butt so easily, but you’re such a worthless tramp I can’t even be bothered.’
Kerry spun around and stormed towards the door. James went to follow her, but Nicole called him back.
‘Stay and help me pack, James.’
There was a desperate touch in Nicole’s voice that made him turn back.
‘Go ahead, help her,’ Kerry said. ‘You can make sure she doesn’t rip off my stuff.’
Kerry banged the door and stomped downstairs to the living-room. Nicole dragged a sports bag from under her bed and started filling it.
‘You know, James,’ Nicole said, ‘you’re a good laugh, you don’t belong at CHERUB either.’
‘You’ve no idea how badly I need CHERUB,’ James said. ‘Sometimes all the work and training does my head in, but my life was a nightmare before I came here. I was in some crummy council home and I kept getting in trouble. If CHERUB hadn’t picked me, I probably would have ended up in prison.’
‘I’m glad I’m out of it,’ Nicole said, zipping up her bag. ‘As long as my new foster parents don’t turn out to be old farts.’
‘What is it you’ve got against old people?’ James asked.
Nicole sat on the edge of her bed. ‘You know my family died in a car crash?’
‘I’d heard.’
‘They were crossing a road in broad daylight. This stupid old fool sailed his car through a red light and smashed into them. They tested his eyes after the accident and it turned out he could barely see past the end of his own nose.’
‘That’s so bad,’ James said. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘If it had been a young guy, they would at least have locked him away. But no, because it was some old fart, they took pity and let him off. My mum, my dad and my little brothers were killed and he totally got away with it. Then everyone goes around telling me I should have respect for old people. Well, they can shove that idea right up their arse.’
Ewart leaned in the door and looked at Nicole.
‘Are you packed?’
‘Just finishing off,’ Nicole said.
‘OK,’ Ewart said. ‘I’m going to the toilet. I’ll see you at the bottom of the stairs in five minutes.’
‘Wish me luck?’ Nicole asked, looking at James.
‘Sure,’ James said, wrapping his arms around her and giving her a squeeze. She had a tear rolling down her cheek.
James carried one of Nicole’s bags out to the people carrier. Kerry stood in the living-room doorway with folded arms and a frosty expression. James thought it was a shame Kerry and Nicole had fallen out. They’d got on well up to now.
Zara came out from the kitchen, gave Nicole a hug and wished her good luck with whatever life she chose to lead. When the car started pulling off the driveway, Kerry had a change of heart and ran on to the doorstep. She stood between James and Zara and waved Nicole off.
‘I hope she sorts herself out,’ Kerry said.
‘We’ll set her up with a good family,’ Zara said. ‘I think she’ll be better off in the long run. Not everyone is cut out to be a cherub.’
‘Oh,’ James said, suddenly remembering, ‘what happened with Kyle?’
‘It’s his business,’ Zara said. ‘It’s up to him whether he wants you guys to know or not.’
James and Kerry found Kyle face down on his bunk, having a sulk.
‘Why was Ewart having a go at you?’ James asked.
‘They found traces of cannabis in my urine sample,’ Kyle said. ‘Almost every drug you could name passes through your body in day or so. Unfortunately for me, cannabis lingers in your system for up to three weeks.’
‘But you did take some?’ Kerry said, sounding outraged.
‘It’s not some massive deal, Kerry,’ Kyle said defensively. ‘I had a few puffs of a joint that was going around at some kid’s house two Saturdays ago.’
‘So how come you’re not expelled?’ Kerry asked.
‘Cannabis is a class C drug,’ Kyle explained. ‘I would have been sent back to campus, but they could hardly send me and Nicole away on the same day without it looking suspicious.’
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