CHERUB: Class A - Robert Muchamore Page 0,51

broke into a run. He and April chased after them, knowing they’d get into trouble if they stuck around. When they got to the foyer, Junior launched himself into a rack of peanuts and snacks, spilling them over the floor. None of the cinema staff earned enough money to bother going after them.
They ran a few hundred metres from the cinema and cut into a side street. James was livid.
‘Are you two retards or something?’ he shouted. ‘What the hell did you do that for?’
‘Who put a bug up your arse?’ Nicole grinned.
Junior was laughing so hard he couldn’t stand up straight.
‘He was an old man,’ James stormed. ‘That was totally out of order. You could have busted his hip or something.’
April didn’t say anything, but she stood beside James, showing she was on his side.
‘I hope he has broken his hip,’ Nicole shouted bitterly. ‘I hope he drops dead.’
‘Nice,’ April said.
‘I can’t stand old people,’ Nicole said bluntly.
‘You’ll be old one day,’ James said.
‘Nah,’ Nicole said. ‘Live fast, die young, that’s my motto.’
‘Where are we going now?’ Junior giggled. ‘Shall we get something to eat? I’m starving.’
Being friends with Junior was part of James’ mission, but sometimes your emotions take over no matter how hard you try.
‘I’m going home,’ James said shortly. ‘I feel like a shower.’
‘You’re not throwing a major strop, are you?’ Junior asked. ‘You’re still coming down the youth club tonight?’
‘Sure,’ James said, half-heartedly. ‘Everyone’s gonna be there.’
‘I’m smuggling some of my dad’s beers in,’ Junior said. ‘Let’s all get totally smashed.’
Junior and Nicole wandered off towards a burger place with their arms around each other. James waited at the bus stop with April. When her bus came, he gave her a quick kiss.
‘I’ll see you at the youth club tonight,’ April said. ‘Don’t let those two idiots spoil your birthday.’
‘I won’t,’ James said.
But he couldn’t help feeling it all the way home. There’s a difference between mucking around and being nasty to someone. The thing with the old man had left a bad taste in his mouth.
The incident with Crazy Joe was supposed to be kept quiet, but it was the kind of story that travels fast and gets wilder every time it’s told. The story, combined with Keith Moore’s seal of approval, had made James into a well-respected face.
He got a good vibe when he walked into the youth centre alongside Kerry and Dinesh. Waves and smiles came from all directions. He sat at a table with Junior and Nicole, who looked like they’d already downed a few of the beers that were stashed under the table. Junior was in a good mood and James didn’t want to make a big deal about what had happened at the cinema earlier.
‘Beer?’ Junior said, passing a can across the table.
Drinking was banned, but the youth club supervisor always just sat in the corner translating books into German. If there was a punch-up, he’d phone upstairs and get a couple of guys from the boxing club to sort it out; apart from that, you could get away with anything.
‘Cheers,’ James said, cracking the can open.
April pulled up a chair next to James and they kissed. He felt awkward doing it with Kerry sitting a few metres away.
The next couple of hours passed in a blur. Kids came and went. Everyone was taking the mickey out of everyone else and drinking. Kerry and Dinesh only took sips, James and April had a couple of beers, while Nicole and Junior got completely trashed. One time, Nicole got the giggles so badly she fell off her chair.
The youth club closed at ten and James thought he’d better have a slash before they headed home. He was in a grand mood as he drifted downstairs to the foul-smelling basement toilets.
‘You forgive me, don’t you?’
James turned around and realised Junior was peeing beside him.
‘For the old man?’ Junior slurred. ‘Nicole’s got a thing about old people. We got carried away.’
‘Course I forgive you,’ James said. ‘Don’t sweat it.’
‘I’ve got something for you,’ Junior said. ‘Come outside.’
They went into the space at the bottom of the stairs between the boys’ and girls’ toilets. Junior pulled a pillbox out of his jeans and popped off the lid. There was a stubby metal straw inside and a thin layer of white powder in the bottom.
‘How long have you been snorting coke for?’ James gasped.
‘Since the cinema.’
‘No wonder you two have been acting like nutters,’ James said. He knew that coke gave you a high, Copyright 2016 - 2024