CHERUB: Class A - Robert Muchamore Page 0,33

‘If you were a boy, you might be recruited as a courier, but that’s all done through the boxing club, which is boys only.’
Zara nodded, agreeing with her husband. ‘I’m sorry this mission didn’t work out, Kerry, but don’t be disappointed. Think of it as a learning experience.’
‘Let me stay,’ Kerry begged. ‘There’s a boy in my class called Dinesh. I’m getting friendly with him and I think he knows something.’
James put his wrist up to his lips and made a loud smooching noise.
‘Grow up, James,’ Zara said wearily. ‘Kerry, what is it you think Dinesh might know?’
‘His dad runs a company that makes microwave meals for supermarkets. When I was talking to him about Erin, he mentioned that his father has dealings with Keith Moore.’
Zara didn’t look too impressed. ‘Keith is a wealthy man, Kerry. He has business dealings with lots of people.’
‘But it’s the way Dinesh said it,’ Kerry explained. ‘It’s like Dinesh had a bad taste in his mouth. It might be nothing, but I’d like a chance to dig deeper.’
Ewart and Zara looked at each other.
‘Please don’t send me back to campus,’ Kerry grovelled. ‘Just give me a few more days.’
‘You’re fond of this boy Dinesh, aren’t you?’ Zara said. ‘Is that the real reason you’re so keen to stay?’
‘I’m a professional,’ Kerry stormed. ‘It’s not because I’ve fallen for some boy. I’ve got a hunch and I’m asking you guys to show faith in me.’
‘OK, Kerry,’ Zara said gently. ‘There’s no need to get upset. Ewart and I will postpone our decision on sending you back to campus until next week. How does that sound?’
Kerry nodded. ‘Thank you.’
‘Anything else, before we all go off to bed?’ Ewart asked.
‘Yeah,’ James said. ‘It’s Lauren’s birthday this weekend, is it still OK if she visits?’
‘No problem,’ Zara said. ‘If she meets up with any of the local kids, you’ll have to tell them she’s your cousin. It’ll seem weird if you suddenly have a sister popping out of nowhere.’
‘If that’s everything,’ Ewart said, ‘let’s all get some shut-eye.’
With only one bathroom, there was a scrum over the toothbrushes. Kerry stayed on the couch sulking and James thought he’d give the others a few minutes to fight it out.
‘You’re really good at this,’ Kerry said, looking at James.
‘What?’ he asked.
‘Missions. You go into a room and everyone likes you. Good old James, even the baby likes you. I study hard and I get some of the best marks on campus, but I’m rubbish out on missions where it really counts.’
‘Come on, Kerry,’ James said. ‘You’re being way too hard on yourself. This is your first important mission. Nobody expects you to be brilliant.’
‘And it’ll be my last big mission, after this disaster,’ Kerry said. ‘I’ll probably spend the rest of my CHERUB career doing mundane security tests and recruitment work.’
James moved across to the other couch, next to Kerry. ‘I’ve been meaning to talk to you,’ he said.
‘Talk about what?’
‘We haven’t been getting on that well since this mission started,’ James said. ‘But you still like me, don’t you?’
‘Of course I like you, James,’ Kerry said, breaking into a smile. ‘You’re one of my best friends.’
James decided to be bold and put his arm around Kerry’s back. She smiled and rested her head against his shoulder.
‘You’ve done all you can on this mission,’ he said. ‘And there’s no way they’re not gonna give you another shot at a big mission. With your fighting skills and the five billion languages you speak, who’ll be able to turn you down?’
Kerry smiled. ‘For someone who acts like a moron half the time, you can be a really nice guy sometimes.’
‘Thanks,’ James grinned.
He thought about starting the speech he had prepared in his head, telling Kerry how kissing Nicole was a one-off and how he liked her a hundred times more than any other girl and wanted to be her boyfriend. But Kerry still looked upset. It wasn’t the right moment.
One of the CHERUB staff dropped Lauren off on Saturday morning. James was barely out of bed when he heard the doorbell.
‘Happy birthday,’ he said, giving his sister a hug. ‘You made double figures, the big one zero.’
Lauren smiled. ‘I missed you, James … for some strange reason.’
They walked inside. Everyone was wandering between the kitchen and living-room, munching on triangles of toast. Joshua was shuffling down the hallway on his bum. Lauren had never seen him before.
‘OOOH,’ she said. ‘Aren’t you cute? What’s your name?’
Joshua gave Lauren an odd look, as Copyright 2016 - 2024