CHERUB: Class A - Robert Muchamore Page 0,15

to refuse to undertake this mission and to withdraw from it at any time. Agents will be at risk of violence and exposure to illegal drugs. Agents are reminded that they will be excluded from CHERUB immediately if they willingly use cocaine or any other class A drug.
It was breaking all sorts of rules, but Zara Asker let them take the mission briefings outside and read them in the sun. She’d made a picnic, spreading a tablecloth over the grass and covering it with sandwiches and snacks. It was a chance for baby Joshua to get used to Kyle, Kerry, Nicole and James. The eight-month-old sat under a sunshade, wearing nothing but a nappy. Kerry and Nicole leaned over him with giant grins.
‘Look at his tiny fingers, James,’ Kerry beamed. ‘He’s so cute you could gobble him up.’
James lay back in the grass with sunglasses on, thinking he looked cool and wondering how Kyle had managed to get Nicole on the mission.
‘It’s a baby, Kerry,’ he said, ‘I’ve seen one before, they all look exactly the same.’
Kerry tickled Joshua’s belly.
‘That’s James,’ she said. ‘Isn’t he Mr Grumpy today?’
‘Ooogy woogy woo,’ Nicole added.
Ewart was striding across the grass towards them, carrying an icebox and some bottles of soft drinks. He was a big muscular guy, with bleached hair and half a dozen earrings. He wore a Carhartt T-shirt and old jeans with the legs ripped off.
Zara was older than her husband. She looked like a typical harassed mum, with scraggy hair and puked-up milk on her T-shirt. Like most CHERUB staff, she was a former pupil. She’d gone to university and worked for the United Nations before returning to CHERUB as a mission controller. Kyle had worked with Zara a couple of times before. He said she was one of the best mission controllers to get. Everyone agreed Ewart was the toughest.
‘Hey, Nicole,’ Kyle said, swatting a fly away from his paper plate. ‘You should have seen how happy James was when he found out you got on this mission.’
James sat up, surprised by Kyle’s outburst. Nicole turned away from the baby.
‘Was he?’ she said, breaking into a smile. ‘Is that right, James?’
James was flustered. Kerry would kill him if she found out he’d paid Kyle to get Nicole on the mission.
‘That’s right,’ James spluttered. ‘I’ve never got a chance to know you, but the few times I’ve spoken to you, you’ve always seemed … nice.’
‘Thank you, James,’ Nicole smiled. ‘I was worried I’d be the odd one out because you three are already close.’
Kyle grinned. ‘And James fancies you.’
‘Piss off, Kyle,’ James said.
Kyle was one of James’ best mates, but he was always trying to con you or wind you up. Sometimes it got annoying. Zara cuffed Kyle around the back of the head.
‘I’m only telling the truth,’ Kyle said.
‘Kyle, behave,’ Zara said sharply. ‘And James, you watch your language in front of the baby.’
James could feel his face burning with a mix of anger and embarrassment.
‘I know James doesn’t fancy me,’ Nicole said. ‘Everyone knows James and Kerry have a thing going.’
‘Says who?’ Kerry gasped.
‘Yeah,’ James said defensively. ‘Me and Kerry did basic training together and we’re good mates. It doesn’t mean we fancy each other.’
Kyle laughed. ‘If you say so, lovebirds.’
‘At least I’ve had a girlfriend,’ James said, looking at Kyle. ‘You’re nearly fifteen and I’ve never seen you anywhere near a girl.’
Kyle looked offended. ‘I’ve had girlfriends.’
James grinned, sensing he’d put Kyle on the back foot.
‘Girls in dreams don’t count, dickhead.’
A second later, James found himself dangling in the air with Ewart eyeballing him.
‘Fifty laps,’ Ewart barked.
‘What?’ James gasped.
‘You shut that filthy mouth in front of my son.’
‘He’s a baby,’ James said. ‘He can’t understand a word.’
‘But he’ll learn,’ Ewart snarled. ‘Get over to the running track, now.’
Fifty laps of the track took two hours and left you for dead when you stiffened up the next morning. Zara intervened before James boiled over and told Ewart where to shove his laps.
‘Ewart, darling,’ Zara said gently. ‘James needs to be here while we discuss the mission. I’m sure an apology will be sufficient.’
James, still suspended in mid-air, didn’t think anyone deserved an apology, but it was better than running the laps.
‘OK,’ James said. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘For what?’ Zara asked.
‘I shouldn’t have sworn in front of the baby.’
‘Apology accepted, James,’ Zara said. ‘And Kyle, quit being smart. You’re the senior agent on this mission. I expect you to help the less experienced agents, not keep stirring up trouble.’
After Ewart had Copyright 2016 - 2024