CHERUB: Brigands M.C. - Robert Muchamore Page 0,64

Marina Heights. That’s where all the Brigands and the other gangs hang out.’

‘Why can’t you just apply for a job?’ Dante asked.

‘Because this is Devon,’ James said. ‘Maybe in London a kid can walk into any fast-food joint, fill in a form and get a job, but Devon and Cornwall have the highest unemployment in the country. There’s like a hundred kids at my college who would die to have a part-time job.’

Chloe sighed noisily. ‘I spoke to Zara about this. She said it was my decision and I had to be certain that I trusted you to be responsible with such a powerful bike.’

‘So let’s bloody well do it then,’ James yelled, slapping his thighs as he jumped up from his seat.

Chloe backed off and James felt bad. He’d reached the age where he could physically intimidate adults – especially women – but he didn’t always account for the fact.

Chloe was an ex-cherub, and after the initial shock caused by James’ outburst she stepped up to James and jabbed him in the chest.

‘I’ve read your file, James Adams,’ Chloe said angrily. ‘You’re a good agent, but your decision-making processes can leave a lot to be desired. If I let you have this bike and then you go off and do something crazy, I could lose my job. And since I live on campus, I’ll lose my home and most of my friends too.’

‘Sorry I shouted,’ James said, holding up his hands and sitting back down on his bar stool. ‘I’m trying to make the point that you’re pushing me to get things done. Maybe you’re right. Maybe I’ll get this job and find that it gets me nowhere. All I know is that the Brigands own Marina Heights and if I’m working evenings and weekends I’m in a much better position to see what’s going on up there than if I’m hanging around with Nigel and Ashley.’

Chloe shook her head, then sighed. ‘OK,’ she said finally. ‘You’ve got lessons this morning, but I’ll take you down to Marina Heights and try sorting out the job and the bike. But if I catch you messing around I’ll have your balls on a platter.’

James wasn’t sure whether to gulp or smile as Chloe glowered at him.

Lauren tutted. ‘You’re such a con merchant, James.’


Chloe’s scheme worked. Joe sat next to Lauren on the bus home from school. He held her hand across the arm rest, and Lauren leaned her head in to rest on Joe’s shoulder. He seemed chubby compared to the highly trained boys on CHERUB campus and also charmingly naive. Joe might have been cool and acted Jack-the-lad in class when his mates were around, but his clammy hands and bumbling sentences made her suspect that his love life had never advanced beyond a few snogs at the school disco.

‘What do you want to do?’ Joe asked, as he led Lauren, Dante and Anna off the bus at a stop a kilometre from the centre of Salcombe.

‘John and Lauren live about ten minutes that way,’ Anna said. ‘And their mum is always cool when I come over.’

Lauren panicked because her objective was to get into the Führer’s house. ‘I’ve driven past your house,’ she said to Joe. ‘You’ve got that cool tank on the front lawn. Can you climb up inside it?’

Joe looked awkward. ‘You can open the hatch, but it’s just a hulk. It’s all rusty and flooded with water.’

Lauren squeezed Joe’s hand and whined like she was five years old. ‘I wanna see the tank!’

Joe laughed and relented. ‘My mum’ll probably be home, but she’s cool. The only thing is, my house is kind of embarrassing.’

‘Intriguing,’ Lauren said. ‘How so?’

‘You know my dad’s the Führer, right?’ Joe asked.

Everyone nodded, it was frequently mentioned at school. ‘He’s cool in some ways, but he buys up all this Nazi shit. I mean, it’s not just the tank. We’ve got rugs with swastikas and there’s a bust of Hitler on the mantelpiece.’

Anna smiled awkwardly. ‘Freak show!’ she grinned.

‘Freak show’s what it is,’ Joe agreed.

Lauren sensed that Joe wasn’t keen, so she kissed him on the neck. ‘Nobody picks their parents,’ she said soothingly. ‘Our dad is a total idiot.’

‘Grade-one penis,’ Dante agreed. ‘Cheated on our mum four times before she finally ditched his sorry butt and moved us down here.’

Lauren’s kiss gave Joe a boost and his usual cockiness crept back into his voice. ‘OK then,’ he grinned. ‘Let’s go visit the freak show. I’ve also got X-box, and DVDs in Copyright 2016 - 2024