CHERUB: Brigands M.C. - Robert Muchamore Page 0,50

of your mission,’ Ross said. ‘We were hoping that Neil was going to have penetrated the Brigands organisation at a much higher level than you’ll be able to. I’m not going to pretend that our chances of success are particularly great, but I hope you three are willing to accept the challenge because South Devon Brigands are bringing a lot of guns into the country. As far as I’m concerned, even a twenty per cent chance is worth taking because these guns are killing people on the streets.’

Chloe nodded approvingly. ‘I don’t know how much attention you three pay to the newspapers, but gun crime amongst teenagers is exploding in British cities.’

‘Well, you know I’m in,’ Dante said, and James said the same.

‘Lauren?’ Chloe asked.

Lauren kept thinking about the argument with Rat. She’d really been looking forward to going to the summer hostel with him, but on the other hand even if she had flirted a little with Dante he’d totally overreacted.

‘Sorry,’ she said finally. ‘I’m just knackered after swim training. I’m in, of course.’


It took three days for Chloe to sort out accommodation in the Salcombe area and finalise all the minor details for their mission.

It was a Sunday morning. James stood in his room, rummaging through a packed bag to make sure he hadn’t forgotten anything when Kerry came in to say goodbye. She sounded sad and James decided it was time to find out where their relationship was heading.

‘This mission’s all tied into a weapons buy that the police have already set in motion,’ James explained, relieved to find his iPod in a side pocket. ‘I can’t see it lasting much more than a month or two, and you and me seem to be getting along pretty well these days.’

Kerry laughed. ‘We always do until we actually start going out with each other.’

James zipped the side pocket. ‘We’re older now, though. We’ve been out with other people. I know we’ve broken up twice before, but I think it had more to do with the fact that we were so young than anything else.’

Kerry took a step so that her nose almost touched James’ chin. It was early and Kerry only wore the T-shirt and baggy pyjama shorts she’d slept in. Her smell turned James on and he imagined shoving her on to the bed and ripping her shorts down, but Kerry would break his neck if he judged that move wrong so he went for a simple kiss on the lips.

After a half-minute snog and a good grope of Kerry’s bum, she backed away and they stared open-mouthed at each other.

‘Why’d you stop?’ James asked.

Kerry shrugged. ‘I’m not getting into this just as you’re leaving,’ she explained. ‘Especially with your reputation.’

‘What reputation?’ James said, acting as if butter wouldn’t melt.

‘Your reputation for snogging or bonking every girl that comes near you,’ Kerry said. ‘When you come back we’ll talk about getting back together.’

‘So you think we should?’ James asked. ‘And what if you get sent on a mission before I come back?’

‘That’s exactly my point,’ Kerry said warily. ‘I don’t want some big long-distance relationship thing starting up. I don’t want to cheat on you, I don’t want you to cheat on me. For all we know I’m about to get sent off on some year-long mission where some bronzed millionaire stud will sweep me off my feet.’

‘That’s me’ James grinned. ‘I’m bronzed, I’m a stud and you can have me right now. I’ll even put a Durex on if you ask nicely.’

Kerry knew James wasn’t being serious and burst out laughing. ‘You might be cute from some angles, but the man of my dreams doesn’t have a zit the size of a Rolo on the back of his neck.’

‘Hormones,’ James said, rubbing the zit selfconsciously. ‘It’s just a sign that I’m brimming over with masculinity.’

‘You can call it masculinity, but it looks more like pus to me,’ Kerry replied, as she gave James a quick kiss and turned towards the door. ‘I’m training some red shirts in the dojo at eight-thirty so I’d better get ready. Have a good mission, text me, yeah?’

‘Of course,’ James said, feeling a bit sad as Kerry disappeared around the door.

He kicked his door shut, then grabbed a ruler off his desk. He thrust it high into the air and stood in front of his wardrobe mirror with his legs wide apart. He thrust his hips forward and spoke in a deep voice. ‘Using the power vested in me by Copyright 2016 - 2024