CHERUB: Brigands M.C. - Robert Muchamore Page 0,117

blow the Führer’s brains out,’ Dante said ruefully. ‘But at least I’ve given him something to mull over.’


Twenty-four hours later James, Lauren and Dante were all back on campus. Friday night always had a good atmosphere and this one was better than usual because loads of kids on campus were flying off to CHERUB’s summer hostel the following Monday.

Just after five, Rat came back from playing tennis with Andy. He’d kicked off his trainers and was peeling a sweaty shirt over his head when Lauren erupted out of his wardrobe and screamed, ‘I’m back!’

Rat flew up in the air and jolted back towards his bed, before bursting out laughing. ‘You scared the living crap out of me,’ he gasped.

‘I got your text messages,’ Lauren said. She stood teasingly in front of Rat, so that her bust almost touched the beads of sweat running down his chest.

‘Pity you didn’t answer them then,’ Rat said frostily.

‘I reckon me and you have something pretty special going,’ Lauren grinned. ‘And besides, with my wrist in plaster I’ll need someone to carry my luggage on to the plane next week.’

‘And what makes you think I want you back?’ Rat sneered. ‘For all you know I’ve been having a torrid affair with some bimbo while you’ve been away.’

‘Two reasons,’ Lauren answered. ‘First of all, I’ve got spies all over campus. Second, what other girl would put up with your stupid hair?’

‘How can I turn down an offer like that?’ Rat smiled. ‘I’d kiss you but I’m all sweaty.’

‘There’s a fine line between manly ruggedness and BO,’ Lauren grinned, as she moved closer and pecked Rat on the lips. ‘Just this once I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.’


Two floors down James was sitting on the sofa in Kerry Chang’s room. He’d only been back on campus for two hours, during which time he’d managed a late lunch, a shower and a change into shorts and a CHERUB T-shirt.

Kerry smiled as she came out of her bathroom, towelling her long black hair, dressed in a matching white bra and knickers.

‘Third time lucky for us,’ James said. ‘That’s what I reckon.’

Kerry threw the towel back inside her bathroom as she sat on her bed. ‘So you never got up to anything on your mission?’

‘Nah,’ James shook his head. ‘Well, there was this girl Ashley, but she was just someone I made friends with and she was religious so I wouldn’t have got anywhere even if I’d wanted to.’

Kerry laughed and rubbed a hand against her duvet. ‘Why are you hiding over there on the sofa?’

James grinned as he stood up. ‘I feel like a drug addict. I’ve been cold turkey on Kerry Chang for almost two years, but now I’m about to start injecting again.’

Kerry burst out laughing. ‘So you’re saying I’m like a cheap fix?’

‘No,’ James grinned. ‘I’m saying you’re irresistible and highly addictive.’

‘Remember when we used to wrestle?’ Kerry said. ‘You used to get pissed off because I always won.’

‘I remember no such thing,’ James smirked. ‘Besides, back then I was only a few centimetres taller. Now I’m all butch and manly.’

Kerry thought this was hilarious. ‘Tell you what, big man,’ she grinned. ‘If you can pin me, you can do anything you like to me.’

James’ eyes boggled. ‘Does that include naked stuff?’

‘You’ve got to pin me first,’ Kerry said. ‘And of course, you’ve got to do whatever I want if you lose.’

‘You mean I’ll be your love slave?’ James checked.

Kerry smiled. ‘Is it a bet, or not?’

James had forgotten how playful Kerry could be and she looked really sexy, dressed just in her underwear.

‘Sure,’ James said. He was proud of his upper body so he ripped off his T-shirt and hurled it up in the air. ‘I won’t be needing that again for a couple of hours.’

Kerry got off her bed and dropped into a fighting stance, with James looming over her.

‘You really mean anything?’ James asked.

Kerry blew a kiss. ‘I’ll belong to you.’

‘Jesus Christ,’ James said excitably. He charged forward, trying to get Kerry around the waist. But she spun out of the way, hooked her foot around James’ trailing leg and tripped him over. Almost before James knew it, Kerry sat across his back with his neck in an agonising choke hold.

‘Same old, same old,’ Kerry said cheerfully. ‘All that bulk, but you still move like a geriatric snail.’

‘Christ,’ James gasped, as Kerry tightened the hold. ‘I can’t breathe.’

‘Do you know how much you hurt me when you dumped me?’ Kerry Copyright 2016 - 2024