Cheesy on the Eyes by Teagan Hunter Page 0,45

it with my sister?” Jonas shakes his head. “Have you no shame, woman?”

“Well, I am marrying you…” She shrugs. “So, no.”

“Hang on,” Thea says, reaching for her bag and digging through it. “I think I have some cream in here for that burn.”

Jonas swats at the bag, but Thea moves away quickly.

“You see how annoying she is?” He looks at me but motions her way. “You sure this is what you want to invest your time in?”

I glance over at Thea, who’s watching me with rapt attention.

“Positive,” I say while staring right at her.

Her lips part as the word leaves my mouth, and I want to kiss her all over again.

Her mouth curves into a shy grin, and she tucks a wild lock of hair behind her ear.

“It could just be me being all hormonal and crap, but you guys are so cute together,” Frankie comments. “I wish we could get together sometime and have dinner or something since the movie—”

She gags, covering her mouth with her hand.

“You okay?” Thea asks.

Her face twists up then she pulls her hand away on a deep breath. “Sorry, just the thought of smelling movie theater popcorn has me wanting to vomit again.” Another headshake. “What I was saying was since our previous plans didn’t pan out, we should grab dinner together sometime or something.”

“We could do a family dinner,” Jonas offers. “Mom’s been begging us to do a big one, and this would be a good chance for everyone to get together and not take too much time away from planning.”

“Good idea,” Frankie says. “And we can finally get to know the guy you’re always yammering on about.” She tosses a wink Thea’s way.

I whip my head toward her just as her cheeks turn a bright red.

She refuses to acknowledge me, burning a hole through Frankie’s head with her glare.

She’s been talking about me with her family?


Thea’s lips part and I spring into action, too afraid she’s going to turn down Frankie’s offer.

“That’d be great,” I say quickly. “I’d love it.”

“Good. Not to sound like pompous jerks or anything, but…”

“We’ll check our calendar and see what we can work out,” Jonas finishes for her. “Turns out moving your wedding up six months really throws shit off. We’re up to our eyeballs in appointments.”

“Fittings and tastings and napkins and chairs. Blah, blah, blah.” Frankie smirks. “I told him I’d marry him at the courthouse.”

“Hell no, Frank. We’re only doing this shit once, and I have our notebooks from high school where you went into great detail about your wedding. I know what you want.”

“That was my wedding to Zac Efron! You’re not him!”

“You’re right. I’m the better choice.”

“Have you seen him in Dirty Grandpa? His ass is”—she fans herself—“holy Batman, Robin.”

“That was a butt double! I Googled it!”

“Why were you looking up other men’s asses?” she tosses back at him, brows raised.

“Please, I see other dudes’ butts daily in the locker room. Googling one ass is nothing.”

“This conversation isn’t weird at all,” Thea comments.

“Sorry.” Frankie’s cheeks heat. “Anyway, let’s get together soon, okay? We’ll let you get back to your—”

“Nice, quiet, beautiful sunrise viewing while sitting at least two feet apart.” Jonas glares at me. “Because you were certainly not mauling my sister in public, right?”

I laugh at his overprotectiveness; we both know it’s moot. Thea’s more than capable of taking care of herself.

“Right,” I reply, just to pacify him.

Thea groans next to me. “Good lord, Jonas. I’m a grown-ass adult—an older than you grown-ass adult. I’ll do as I please. Get out of here before I give you a wedgie like I used to do.”

And there she goes proving me right.

Jonas’ eyes widen with fear as he reaches for his fiancée’s hand. “Come on, Frank. Let’s head home. There are too many crazies out here.”

“So dramatic,” Frankie mutters, giving us a wave as Jonas tugs her up the beach.

“Were your wedgies that bad?” I ask when they’re out of earshot.

She grins. “I might have hung him off a door handle or two.”

I whistle. “Wow. I’m really damn glad I’m the older sibling and never had a big sister.”

“Trust me, the twerp always had it coming.”

She grabs the blanket and begins to fold it up.

“Oh. Uh, did you want to head out already?” I grab her waist and tug her toward me, pulling her close. “Because I was kind of hoping…” We could pick up where we left off.

My words go unspoken as she wiggles out of my grip, turning away.

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