Cheesy on the Eyes by Teagan Hunter Page 0,41

coffee mug at her lips, tossing back its contents like a shot. “Just need my…” She trails off, putting the now empty mug in the sink. She doubles back to the dining table and retrieves the bag hanging off the back of a chair, tossing it over her shoulder.

I pinch my brows together when I see how stuffed full it is. “You sure you need all that? We probably won’t be out there long.”

“Mind your business and let’s move it before I change my mind and crawl back into bed.”

Her bed.

Images of us tangled together beneath her black sheets assault me. I can see it clear as day, like it’s something that’s already happened.

My dick stirs to life. If I don’t get us out of here now, I just might turn the images into reality.

“Yes, ma’am.”

After Thea locks up, we make our way to my truck and hop inside.

“Please tell me you aren’t taking this thing down on the beach.”

“If I were?”

“Then why wouldn’t we just walk there? That’s what we’d end up doing anyway.”

While Thea is sassy on a good day, I love that she’s a little extra sassy early in the mornings.

The drive is short, and we’re pulling into the public beach access lot in less than five minutes.

“Aren’t we here before beach hours?”

“Officially, yes, but unofficially, I made a point of making friends with the officials, and they never question my truck being here before hours. I can pretty much come whenever I want.”

She gives me a sleepy smile over the top of the thermos poised at her lips. “I like your style, Sully.” She takes a sip of coffee and then says, “Come on, let’s go see this sunrise.”

We clamber out of the truck. Thea sips on her coffee, waiting for me as I pull my wetsuit on over my swim trunks and grab my surfboard.

“You’re really gonna surf?”

“Maybe. Sometimes I just end up sitting on the beach and thinking, but I always come prepared.”

“And you were giving me shit for packing a bag.”

She shakes her head, leading us down to the water’s edge.

Right before the asphalt ends, Thea stops and slides her sandals off, stuffing them into a pocket on the outside of her bag.

“Ahhh.” She sighs the moment her feet slip into the cold sand. “Nothing feels better than this.”

We trek forward, moving down the shoreline until we agree on a spot.

When we stop, Thea tosses her bag down and pulls out a blanket she had stuffed in there.

She spreads it out, then flops down on it, patting the spot beside her.

I lay my board down and join her, tucking my knees close to my chest.

We sit there quietly for several beats, just watching as the waves crash. We’re sitting close together, our arms brushing against one another.

My body heats up, and it has nothing to do with the threat of the rising sun and everything to do with Thea and our proximity.

“It’s gorgeous out here,” she whispers, eyes glued to the water.

I slide my gaze her way. Her loose honey hair is flying around in the wind, and I love the way it breezes across her cheeks in the pre-dawn light.

She lifts the thermos to her mouth, taking a large gulp. I watch as she glides her tongue over her lips, making sure to catch every drop of coffee she can find.

Like she can feel my eyes on her, she peeks over at me, a shy smile dancing across her lips.


“Nothing,” I say.

Except it’s not nothing.

I’m mesmerized by her, and I can’t remember a time when I was this captivated by anyone before.

Hell, the only thing I watch as closely as I do her is the ocean, and right now it’s paling in comparison.

She doesn’t question anything, returning her attention to the water.

After a few seconds, she sets the coffee aside and closes her eyes, taking a deep breath and then blowing it out.

She repeats this a few times before opening her eyes again.

“Ah, that’s much better.”

“Do that often?”

“A few times a day. It helps me clear my mind.” She lifts a shoulder, eyes moving back to the sea. “I don’t remember the last time I came out here before sunrise.”

“I’m here every morning.”

“Every single morning?”

“You like to breathe to clear your mind. This is how I do it.”

“You have to clear your mind this early every morning?” she teases.

“I have my reasons,” I counter.

And lately they have everything to do with you.

My lips never move, but as her cheeks redden, I know Copyright 2016 - 2024