Cheesy on the Eyes by Teagan Hunter Page 0,21


He points to his chest. “You have something on your shirt.”

Slice Six


I haven’t been able to concentrate on anything other than the clock since I walked away from Thea and her family this morning.

What the hell happened and what did I get roped into?

The moment I appeared back at the table, the guys peppered me with questions.

I dodged every single one.

I’m not ready to divulge what’s going on, because I truly have no fucking idea.

All I know is I met Thea by some weird accident. She asked for help, I helped. I sought her out at Slice this morning because I felt bad for ruining the napkin with her phone number and I wanted to see her again. Our first encounter was…interesting, I’ll give her that. Who flags down a random person and demands he sit at her table, all so she doesn’t appear single to her ex? Then does it again in front of her whole family?

I’d be lying if I said curiosity isn’t what has me standing outside Schwartz Auto waiting to figure out what I just got my ass caught up in with her.


The lock is flicked open, and I look up to see Thea watching me with her brows raised.

“Well? Do you plan to just stand out here staring at the building for the next ten minutes, or are you going to get your ass inside so we can figure this shit out?”

I chuckle. “You’re bossy.”

“I know. Now come on.”

She shoves the door open wider and I walk through, careful not to brush up against her.

Though I wouldn’t be mad if it happened…

I take a few steps into the dark shop, glancing around at the waiting area.

It’s small with only four chairs and the front desk, but I suppose that’s because customers are more likely to drop their cars off for service than they are to stick around and wait for them.

Thea clicks the lock back into place, and I turn.

“Is that safe?”

“Locking the door?” Her brows scrunch together. “Uh, yeah. The last thing I need is for some weirdo stranger to come barging in here trying to kidnap or kill me or something.”

“I’m a stranger,” I point out.

She shrugs. “Whatever. I took my chance with you when I told my whole family you’re my boyfriend.”

“Yeah, about that…”

“Come on, follow me. I have a couple of things I need to finish up. We can talk while I work.”

She leads the way, pushing through a door that feeds into the main shop. Thea heads toward a door at the other end and I glance around, looking at the cars spread out, all in various states of maintenance. There in the corner is a car tucked tightly under a cover, and if I’m not mistaken, judging by those body lines, it’s a—

“Son of a…” I almost topple over and take Thea down with me. I grab hold of her, trying to keep us both upright.

“I thought you weren’t trying to sleep me with, Sully.”

“What? I’m not! I tripped. I didn’t realize you’d stopped. I—”

I follow her eyes, which are flitting between my face and my hand…which is holding her boob.

“Shit!” I yank my hand away. “Oh, fuck. Shit. I didn’t mean to. I—”

“Tripped. Yeah, and your hand conveniently landed right on my tit, huh?”

“Sorry,” I mutter, squeezing the back of my neck. I can feel color stealing up my cheeks. It takes a lot to embarrass me, but this?

Yeah, I want to stick my head in a hole full of venomous snakes.

“Whatever.” She waves it off. “Not like it’s the first time I’ve been groped in this shop.”

Her words put me on high alert. “What the fuck do you mean it’s not the first time?”

“It’s not uncommon in my line of work. Guys think just because there’s a woman in their midst, she’s free game.”

I want to strangle whoever dared lay a hand on her.

“Christ, Thea. I’m sorry you have to deal with that. It’s not fair. My mother was a secretary in a male-dominated office too and—”

She barks out a laugh. “Wow.” She shakes her head. “I knew it was coming, but it still stings.”

“What’d I say? I—”

For the first time since I entered the building, I look down at what she’s wearing.


Grease-stained coveralls.

I trail my eyes over her. Her hands are covered in grime, and there’s even a streak of something along her neck where she might have pushed her hair away from her face at one point. There’s a light layer of sweat dotting her Copyright 2016 - 2024